基于哈佛分析框架的轻资产企业财务 分析——以A企业为例.pdf

基于哈佛分析框架的轻资产企业财务 分析——以A企业为例.pdf

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轻资产革命是一次战略意味的改革,越来越多的企业在向轻资产企业转型, 试图减轻企业“重资产”过多的运转负担,紧抓其核心业务,提高自己的核心竞 争力,传统的财务报表分析仅将财务报表的数据作为其分析的依据,因此具有一 定的局限性,能够结合企业实际情况的哈佛分析框架便成为了轻资产公司进行财 务报表分析的更好选择。 本文集中阐述了轻资产和哈佛分析框架的相关概念和内涵,以正在实施轻资 产战略的企业 A 公司为例,基于哈佛分析框架对其进行财务分析,结合轻资产 公司的具体情况和近五年财务报表的情况进行详细的分析,并提出相应的改进建 议,摒弃了传统财务报表分析的一些弊端。 全文分四个部分:首先,讨论了和轻资产相关的概念含义,哈佛分析框架的 分析步骤以及优势所在;其次,是通过开展战略、会计、财务和前景分析对 A 公司的财务状况进行了全面分析;最后,对公司财务状况提出了几点建议。 本文主要创新体现在利用哈佛财务报表分析框架对轻资产企业进行了分析 探讨,这种方法有效的克服了传统财务报表分析的局限性,克服了分析结果的片 面性,能够从宏观整体上把握企业的整体经营状况,从一定程度上弥补传统财务 报表分析的局限性。因此,对企业的未来发展方向提供一定的预测和指引。 The asset-light revolution is a strategic reform. More and more enterprises are trying to transform themselves into light-asset enterprises in an effort to reduce the operational burden of heavy assets, to grasp their core businesses and improve their core competitiveness. The traditional financial statement analysis only uses the data of the financial statements as the basis for its analysis, so it has some limitations. The Harvard Analysis Framework that can combine the actual situation of the enterprise becomes a better choice for the asset-light company to conduct financial statement analysis. This paper focuses on the concept and meaning of asset-light and Harvard Analysis Framework. Taking Company A, which is implementing asset-light strategy as an example, this paper analyzes its financial analysis based on Harvard Analysis Framework. Combining the specific conditions of asset-light firm and the past five years’ financial statements analysis of the situation and put forward the corresponding suggestions for improvement, which avoid some drawbacks of the traditional financial statements analysis. The full text divides into four parts: First, it discusses the concept meaning related to light assets, the analysis steps and advantages of Harvard An


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