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一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)
1. Whats the number of students from Malaysia?2. What lesson could be drawn from the accident?A.Accurate communication is of utmost importance.?B.Pilots should be able to speak several foreign languages.?C.Air controllers should keep a close watch on the weather.?D.Cooperation between pilots and air controllers is essential.?3.听力原文: Now, let me first give you a brief introduction to the American poet, Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson was Americas best-known female poet and one of the foremost authors in American literature. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, Dickinson was the middle child of a prominent lawyer and one-term United States congressional representative, Edward Dickinson, and his wife, Emily Norcross Dickinson. From 1840 to 1847 she attended the Amherst Academy, and from 1847 to 1848 she studied at the Mount Holyoke Female Seminary (now Mount Holyoke College) in South Hadley, a few trips to Boston for eye treatments in the early 1860s, Dickinson remained in Amherst, living in the same house on Main Street from 1855 until her death. During her lifetime, she published only about 10 of her nearly 2, 000 poems, in newspapers, Civil War journals, and a poetry anthology. The first volume of Poems of Emily Dickinson was published in 1890, after Dickinsons death.Although few of Dickinsons poems were formally published during her lifetime, she herself published by sending out at least one-third of her poems in the more than 1, 000 letters she wrote to at least 100 different correspondents. Dickinsons method of binding about 800.of her poems into 40 manuscript. books and distributing several hundred of them in letters is now widely recognized as her particular form. of self-publication. She also read her poems aloud to several people, including her cousins Louise and Frances Norcross, over a period of three decades.Well, thats all about her l
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