新目标(Go for it)版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance toSection A-1.pptVIP

新目标(Go for it)版九年级Unit 9 I like music that I can dance toSection A-1.ppt

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;Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.; Language Goal;Objectives;;Have you ever seen those movies? Which kind do you prefer most ? Why?; There are different kinds of movies, which do you prefer most ? ;Which kind of movie do you prefer?;What kind of music do you like best?; Music is the enlightenment higher than any wisdom and philosophy. ----Ludwig van Beethoven? 音乐是一切智慧,一切哲学更高的启示。 ----路德维希 ·凡· 贝多芬 ;Beatles;女子十二乐坊;Different kinds of music!Which do you like?; The theme of this class is music! So let’s start!!; What kind of music do you like? Look at the picture and circle the sentences you agree with. Then write your own sentence.;A: I like music that is relaxing. B: I like music that has strong beat. C: I like music that is sentimental. D: I like music that is modern. E: I like music that is associated with my culture. F: …; Listen and check (?) the kinds of music Tony and Betty like. ;Watch and read; Make conversations about the music, movies or books that you like.;Music: lyrics-- the words of a song ballad-- a love song; a song that tells a story. hip pop-- atype of popular dance music that originated in the US rap-- a type of popular dance music where the words are spoken rather than sung pop-- modern music that is popular.;Movies: setting-- the place and time that the movie is set in plot-- the story of a movie characters-- the people in a movie lead actor-- the most important actor in a movie soundtrack-- the music uesd in a movie director-- the person who tells the actors what to do.;Books: setting-- the place and the time that the story is set in plot-- what happens in a story characters-- the people in a story climax-- the most exciting/interesting part of the story though-provoking-- gives you something to think about; Listen and mark T for true and F for false. ; Listen again. Complete t


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