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二年级下知识总结 Chapter1 make the bed sweepthe floor waterthe plants set the table clearthe table 整理床铺 扫地 浇植物 摆餐桌 收拾餐桌 fold the clothes walkthe dog feed the dog hang upthe washing 叠衣服 遛狗 喂狗 晾衣服 (1)Do you help at home? -Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. (2) Does he help at home? -Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. (3)Does she help at home? -Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. (4)I make the bed. (5) He folds the clothes. (6)She folds the clothes. 注意: 1. Do+you/ they/ Peter and Susan(复数)? 2. Does+he/ she/ 某个人? 3. I/ we/ they/ Peter and Susan(复数)+动词原形 4. He/ She/ 某个人 +动词的三单形式 (+s / +es /-y+ies) 5. 句子中有do 或者does 的,句子的动词用原形。 6. Yes 表示肯定,回答对应do 或does 7. No, 表示否定,回答对应don’t 或doesn’t. Chapter2 tidy untidy hard-working lazy polite rude honest helpful 整洁的 不整洁的 勤奋的 懒惰的 有礼貌的 粗鲁的 诚实的 有帮助的 (1)He washes the dishes every day. 他每天洗碗。 (2) She washes the dishes every week. 她每周洗碗。 (3) He does not washthe dishes. 他不洗碗。 (4) She does not washthe dishes. 她不洗碗。 注意: 1. 第三人称单数:He/She/某个人 2. 第三人称单数 (He/She/某个人)后面的动词+三单形式 (+s / +es /-y+ies) 附:动词的三单形式 +s +es 原形 三单形式 原形 三单形式 help helps do does play plays go goes read reads push pushes sweep sweeps wash washes make makes watch watches water waters brush


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