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2022-2023学年广东省东莞市八年级(下)期末英语试卷 语法选择通读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后按照句子结构的语法和上下文连贯的要求, 从 每题所给的三个选项中, 逃出 一个最佳答案,并将答题卡对应题目所逸的选项涂黑. I. ( JO分) Sir Edmund Hillary was born in 1919 in New Zealand.He was a famous mountain climber.In 1953, h巳 reached the top of Qomolangma, (I) 一一一一_ plac巳 in the world.H巳 could not have done it without the Sherpas (夏尔巴人) .Toes巳 people from Nepal (尼泊尔 〉 are expert climbers .Tenzing Norgay was 。ne of (2) _一一一一- ’ and h巳 went to th巳 top with Hillary.Since then, they (3 ) 一一一一_ great friends. Hillary’s friendship with Norgay and th巳 Sherpas meant川ot to him.They took him to the top of the world.To thank them, he decided (4) _一一一一_ them.They told him th巳 villag巳 needed a school ( 5 ) _一一一_ their children could get education.Hillary helped build a school in this poor area. ( 6) _一一一一_school opened in June, 1961.The children were happy when they saw it.Th巳y knew that it (7) _一一一_change their lives. Hillary helped the Sherpas build more schools and hospitals for the r创t of his life.In 1972, h巳 helped build a national park in Nepal.Scientists there knew the place v巳ry (8)一一一 ’and they gave advice about the best plants to us巳 in the park.Th巳 park pr。“cts nature and 。“ers jobs ( 9) 一一一一_ the Sherpas.Many of them work as guid巳s when visitors come to the ar巳a to see its ( 10) and to climb. Th巳 Sherpas were thankful to him.They called Hillary Burra Sahib.It means ”a big heart .Edmund Hillary died in 2008.He was a great climb巳r and an even better man. ( I) A.high B.higher C.the highest (2) A.th巳y B.thei.r


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