四年级上册英语第二次月考试卷 人教Pep.docx

四年级上册英语第二次月考试卷 人教Pep.docx

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四年级英语上学期第二次月考试题 ( ) 5. A. Her name is Lily. B. His name is Tim. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 一、我听我选!将其包含的字母编号写在括号里。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. light B. eight ( ) 2. A. picture B. pencil ( ) 3. A. wall B. tall ( ) 4. A. that B. thin ( ) 5. A. he B. she ( ) 6. A. strong B. sister ( ) 7. A. candy B. cute ( ) 8. A. storybook B. notebook ( ) 9. A. door B. floor ( ) 10. A. friendly B. friend () 1. A.B.() ( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 4.A. B. ( ) 3.A. B. ( ( ) 5.A. B. 三、听听辨辨!图片或句子与录音内容相符的打“√”,不符的打“×”(10 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听问句,选择正确的答语。(10 分) ( ) 1. A. It’s on the light. B. It’s here. ( ) 2. A. Thank you so much. B. OK! ( ) 3. A. I like blue and green. B. It’s blue and green. ( ) 4. A. Many desks and chairs. B. It’s clean and big. 笔试部分(60 分) 五、读一读,选出每小题中与其它选项不同类的一项。(10 分) ( ( ( ) 1. A. floor B. wall C. ball ) 2. A. notebook B. English book C. Chinese book ) 3. A. long hair B. friend C. short hair ( ) 4. A. cake B. candy C. kite ( ) 5. A. key B. she C.they 六、选择正确的选项。(20 分) ( ) 1. — How many crayons do you have? — A. I am seven. B. I have seven. C. I like seven. ( ) 2. — What’s in your schoolbag? — A. 3 story-books. B. 20 desks. C. 3 classrooms. ( ) 3.—Where are the keys? A. They are in the door. B. Its in the door. C. We are in the living room ( )4.Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, hes in the kitchen C. Yes, she is. ( ) 5. — What’s name? — John, he is my friend. A. her B. his C. your ( ) 6. — Let’s clean the classroom. — A. OK. B. Thank you. C. Good morning. ( ) 7. — Where is it? — A. It’s green. B. I like it. C. It’s near the door. ( ) 8. — Who is she? — A. Her name is Alice. B. His name is Alice. C. My name is Alice. ( ) 9. — What colour is your bag? — A. It’s nice. B. It’s blue and white. C. Here it is.  九、阅读短文,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(10 分) We have a new classroom. It’s big and nice. There are forty desks and chairs in it. There is a beautiful picture on the white wall. A black computer is on the teacher ’s desk. And we have six fans and


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