英语外刊逐字稿 这种营养价值很高的食物,西方人为何一直抗拒?.doc

英语外刊逐字稿 这种营养价值很高的食物,西方人为何一直抗拒?.doc

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这种营养价值很高的食物,西方人为何一直抗拒? 2021.05.17 导读: 研究表明,昆虫是一种营养非常丰富的健康食品,理应成为我们饮食的重要组成部分。亚洲、拉美和非洲等世界各国吃昆虫的历史已经有数千年,而且一直延续到今天。但是大多数西方人仍然非常抗拒吃昆虫,这无疑是错失良机。据说,吃昆虫还能够对粮食短缺和气候危机这两大世界问题起到立竿见影的缓解效果。昆虫为何有着这般神奇魔力? 英文原文 A neglected protein-rich superfood 一种被忽视的高蛋白健康食物 By Isabelle Gerretsen The idea of biting into a burger made from crushed crickets or mixing mealworms into your fried rice may take a little getting used to. But even if the thought of eating insects turns your stomach now, bugs could – and some researchers say should – form an important part of our diet. 咬一口夹有蟋蟀碎屑的汉堡,或者在你的炒米饭中拌上面包虫,这种想法可能是大家一时无法接受的。即使想到吃昆虫会让你立即感到不适,但是昆虫可以成为我们日常饮食的重要食材,而且研究者表示理应如此。 While the West might be unusually squeamish about insects, people have been eating them for thousands of years, and in many parts of the world the practice is commonplace. Around 2,000 insect species are eaten worldwide in countries across Asia, South America and Africa. 尽管很多西方人通常会对昆虫感到排斥,但是人们吃昆虫的历史已经延续了几千年,在世界上的很多地方,这种习俗仍随处可见。在很多亚洲、拉美和非洲国家,人们食用的昆虫种类多达2000种。 Yet in Europe, just 10% of people would be willing to replace meat with insects, according to a survey by the European Consumer Organisation. To some, this unwillingness to eat insects is a missed opportunity. 然而,欧洲消费者组织的一项调查显示,在欧洲,仅有10%的人愿意用昆虫代替肉。对于很多人而言,他们对于吃昆虫的抗拒无疑于错失良机。 Insects are a really important missing piece of the food system. They are a nutrient dense superfood in a really small package. Because of this, farmed insects could help tackle two of the worlds biggest problems at once: food insecurity and the climate crisis. 昆虫是现有食物系统中缺失的重要一环。它们体型虽小,但是营养成分很高,是有益于健康的食物。鉴于此,养殖昆虫能够对粮食短缺和气候危机这两大世界问题起到立竿见影的缓解效果。 应版权方要求,此内容仅对英国以外地区开放 生词好句 1.The idea of (something) may take a little getting used to. ‘A little getting used to’ describes the quantity (a little) .‘It takes a little bit of getting used to something’ means ‘It might take some time and effort to get used to something’. 拓展: The idea of working from home might take a little getting used to. 可能需要一点时间来适应在家办公。 The idea o


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