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FX High Output
FX Cruiser High Output
LIT-18616-02-83 F1S-28197-1G-11
This manual has been prepared by Yamaha primarily for use by Yamaha dealers and their trained
mechanics when performing maintenance procedures and repairs to Yamaha equipment. It has
been written to suit the needs of persons who have a basic understanding of the mechanical and
electrical concepts and procedures inherent in the work, for without such knowledge attempted
repairs or service to the equipment could render it unsafe or unfit for use.
Because Yamaha has a policy of continuously improving its products, models may differ in detail
from the descriptions and illustrations given in this publication. Use only the latest edition of this
manual. Authorized Yamaha dealers are notified periodically of modifications and significant
changes in specifications and procedures, and these are incorporated in successive editions of this
FX High Output, FX Cruiser High Output
©2004 by Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA
1st Edition, February 2004
All rights reserved.
Any reprinting or unauthorized use
without the written permission of
Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA
is expressly prohibited.
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