雅马哈摩托艇 2007款 WaveRunner FX SHO FX Cruiser SHO 英文维修手册.pdf

雅马哈摩托艇 2007款 WaveRunner FX SHO FX Cruiser SHO 英文维修手册.pdf

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WaveRunner FX SHO FX Cruiser SHO SERVICE MANUAL *LIT186160312* LIT-18616-03-12 F1W-28197-1K-11 E NOTICE This manual has been prepared by Yamaha primarily for use by Yamaha dealers and their trained mechanics when performing maintenance procedures and repairs to Yamaha equipment. It has been written to suit the needs of persons who have a basic understanding of the mechanical and electrical concepts and procedures inherent in the work, for without such knowledge attempted repairs or service to the equipment could render it unsafe or unfit for use. Because Yamaha has a policy of continuously improving its products, models may differ in detail from the descriptions and illustrations given in this publication. Use only the latest edition of this manual. Authorized Yamaha dealers are notified periodically of modifications and significant changes in specifications and procedures, and these are incorporated in successive editions of this manual. Important information Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations: The Safety Alert Symbol means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED! WARNING Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to the machine operator, passengers, a bystander, or a person inspecting or repairing the watercraft. CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage to the water- craft. NOTE: A NOTE provides key information to make procedures easier or clearer.


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