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2020 年浙江高考英语试卷及答案 WIml 如 uhl )0“ 1,ay m怔 l illl化r山 on lo wh·ll laking 1101邸? , 1 is te u ing. H. Read ing. C. \Vriliug 19. \\I] 山 1 氐 an advanlage oi. using syml)0ls in rlote-laking? A, lI K 哟 沁 iIIfo nnation 沁 uml. h leaves spal:e 伽 ·rUl IJI. II沁 lL m吐es key words notic心汕le. 2O Wlm l will Ihe speakCJ. do nexl? A. Ask a fe w qu estions. B. Slww some no 比;;. C. Mak e a s umn,ary. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35 分) 纺一节( 共 10 小题;每小题 2 . 5 分 .满 分 25 分 ) A阅议 下列知文,从每吆给所的八、B 、C 和 D 四个选项中,心出敬仕选项,并在答题纸 I:将该项涂黑。 A I,im an ac ti ve playgoer ml r?.1J y·1.ea, IPI.. aIId peI·I,a pS IIly 1)PSl,它凶 .111 for 奾 llIlg 1lus INlok iS J lU)伈 "「如 伽 g Ill,\ 血 lllls ias m lor 1he tlleatCl\d tl10t1吓 . 1',O Io t h is l have s 心 lG 胪 l tl 的 llgIl (1如 lS of plays tn find the ones I伽 I t hink I) 岱 1 s how 1l1e pow t r a nd purpose of the s hort piny. Each pluy h豁 a 11即 ne or cenLrul idc,, which the plnywrii;ht ( 剧什家)llO匹$ 1')gel ac 呻 伽 ough 如 IOl,,UC出 1d aC1Lo u. A. 1e w c haraClC、I a re u叫 lo Cl 心 1e a s inglC lIIIpress iolI growillg oul O「 IllClhc mc. h iS ,IO1 my inICmiOIl lo pomI OUI” lC Cc n lrd tl1cmc.ol caLh of IhC pl叨,', i n this coll” 入ior1, ror l1,at WOtlkl inc1Pe,J , miII lhe p1心,s_ure or reaclin , ,lis u心 i11g: 叫 tl,ink in . I:叩 l Ihe p|a ys amI lhe e lTe c:tiven,e;s of the play a·igl飞I. How 令 ver, a \alie ty of types is repr? 沈 ntecl here. Tl}es,, include comedy . 8ati re . polgnant clrruna , IllStorIC?al a Ild regionaJ drama To sllO, 、I the ve岱 tiliLy( 多面性)of ti记 sl1“·, 1 pl a y, l IU认屯 IIl(,l.u,led u gu“1山 we play , 日 1',ullO1,虚 l,ly aml tl h·1:fVlS”l“ l l a y Among lhe wrilO s of 11cl pla yS . III lhiS (,o1leCl“ II . . 1,a u1 G仅尤1l , Stl沁ln Glas pe| l , N1a x welI 知 de店on,, f]l0m lo n Wildc r , IVilliam Sa1Oy!IJl,8nd Im nes沁 c WiIJia u凶 have alI m如 ved Pulit沈 I Pr izes f ) r Il,e il COI\ Irih uii(JIlS 1o l.he I“I 义lle r. M.o,e iIlfonna1ior, ahoul lhe l , lay .WIig111s will l)e


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