英语人教版九年级全册Unit 7 3a.pdf

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Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. The Third Period Section A 3a–3c Teaching aims (教学目标) 一、熟练掌握以下词汇:cry, field, hug, lift, awful, regret, poem 了解词组: talk back 二、通过学习,掌握以下句型: 1. When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in. 2. When I was seven coughing badly, she said no ice-cream for me. 3. I should be allowed to eat some. 4. I should not be told what to do. 三、学会用结构be (not) allowed to 谈论家规—Family rules 。 四、通过谈论家规,增强遵守规定的意识并理解家长的良苦用心。 (本节课的生词较少,而且单词的拼写比较简单,所以学生学起来不会感到困难,如果班级学生的水平 较高,可以鼓励学生当堂掌握。 Teaching steps (教学步骤) (一)新课导入。 1. 歌曲欣赏:Spice Girls 的Mama, 了解歌手组合,歌词大意。 2. 根据图片,小组讨论的家规,并结合自己的实际情况进行结对练习 A: What rules does she/she have at home? B: He/She can/can’t … A: Are you allowed to … at home? B: Yes/No. I am (not) allowed to … 3. 请慢慢回忆在你的童年记忆里,妈妈曾经允许你在家里做什么事不允许你做什么事?请填一填你的 家规。 Family rules : Don’t… You can… You have to… You can’t… You should… 4. 关于一个Mother’s nagging 简短新闻视频观看。 教学设计说明:创设情景利用已学内容,导入新课 ,能更好的调动学生的积极性。 (二)新课3a 课文学习 Task 1: 快速阅读3a,回答问题。 Read the poem aloud and discuss what the title means with your partner. 1. What does the title mean? 2. Do you agree with it? 教学设计说明:利用快速阅读的方法 ,了解文章大意 Task 2 再读3a, 试着翻译,具体理解课文,完成下列表格: Writer Mom was crying was tired and hungry made sure he was safe and kept him from danger fell and hurt himself was coughing badly was watching scary movies said “Please be back by ten.” Task 3 细读3a ,完成3b 中的4 个问题. 1. What did the mom do when the writer was a baby and a small child? 2. Why do you think the writer talked back to his mom when he was seven and nine years old? 3. How did the writer feel when he was a teenager and his mom said “Please be back by ten”? 4. After reading th


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