All I Desire《吾之欲(1953)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

All I Desire《吾之欲(1953)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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里弗代尔高中 英文戏剧历史 亨利·默多克 校长 里弗代尔高中的演出 男爵夫人巴克莱的秘密 就在今晚 纳奥米·默多克, 就是我 Naomi Murdoch, thats me. 没有大红大紫也不至于沦落街头 Not quit at the bottom of the bill yet, 但我不能说这些天 and not quite at the end of my rope,but I cant say that Im making 给观众留下了什么印象 an impression on audiences these days 并不是说我赚了多少钱 not that I ever made much. 现在春季过去 夏日的热浪袭来 Now with the season over and the heat of the summer coming, 这个老旧的戏院空气比以往更加腐hearts;败hearts;了 the air in these theaters is even staler than usual. 朋友 这里没什么可令人期待的 Brother, theres not much to look forward to. 我想一些人可能会说这是我自找的 I guess some people would say I asked for it. 今晚这儿的观众真冷淡 Boy! That audience is like ice out there tonight. 这些乡巴佬才不会为莉莉罗素(著名舞台剧女演员)鼓掌呢 These Hicks wouldnt get off their hands for Lillian Russell. 有你的信 Heres some mail for you. 我等下要去为《米勒的超能狗》拿着篮圈了 I started out holding the hoops for Millers wonder dogs, 我想我得一直表演这个 - 别这样 纳奥米 I can always go back to it. - For Petes sake, Naomi? 你的气质不适合轻歌hearts;舞剧 你应该回归正统剧 Youre too classy for vaudeville you ought to go back to legit. 是啊 在底特律市人们都爱我 -演正统剧很有声誉 They love me in Detroit. - Theres real prestige in legit. 总是有新的内容 New parts all the time.. 你不用担心会过气 You dont have to worry about getting old. 怎么了 亲爱的?你像见鬼了一样 Whats the matter honey? You look like you saw a ghost. 不 - 坏消息? No. - Bad news? 只是个玩笑 I think its a laugh, thats all. 最亲爱的妈妈 - 告诉你了只是个玩笑 Dearest mother. - I told you it was a laugh. 我不知道你是否想我 但我很想你 I dont know if you ever think of me but I think of you. 今年我就高中毕业了 Im graduating from high school this year 我会在5月20号hearts;的毕业晚会上表演 and miin the senior play on may 20th. 这或许不像你那么光彩夺目 I suppose this doesnt sound like much to a great star like you. 读下去 -我知道你的工作很忙 Go ahead. - I know your career —一定让你忙个不停 ” -越来越有趣了 不是吗? must keep you busy. - Lt gets funnier, doesnt it? 但我唯一想要的礼物 Theres only one present I would like 那就是让你在那里 敬慕你的, 莉莉. and that is to have you there. Your adoring, Lily. 我有个孩子? 我有三个 两个女孩一个男孩 我遗弃了他们 也遗弃了我丈夫 I got three, two girls and a boy. I walked out on them, husband too.


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