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4. hold up 1) raise; keep up 举起 Hold up your right hand. 2) show as an example 提出(作为榜样) The teacher always holds up Tom as a model of hard work. 3) to delay 阻滞 The building of the new road has held up by bad weather. 短语: hold back 使固定; 阻挡 hold down 压制 hold to 遵循; 坚持 hold together 使团结; 连接在一起 5. I ain’t done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman. 我跟那位先生说话, 又没做什么坏事呀。 ▲ ain’t 是不规范的语言, 相当于am not, is not, has not, have not。 ① We ain’t coming. 我们不来了。 ② They ain’t got it. 他们没有那玩意儿。 6. in disguise 意为“乔装” 我以为你是便衣警察。 I thought maybe __________________________ 这位皇帝喜欢微服私访。 联想: in need of 意思是“需要”。 他需要理发了。 in need 意思是“在困难(穷困)中”。例如: 我们应该帮助贫困的人。 you was a policeman in disguise. He is in need of a haircut.  The emperor liked travelling in disguise. We should help those in need.  7. Here you are (hands over the paper covered with writing). 给你 (他把写满字的纸递过来)。 ▲ hand over 移交; 让与; 交给某人照料 ① The captain was unwilling to hand over the command of his ship. 船长不愿移交军舰的指挥权。 ② The thief was handed over to the policeman. 小偷被交给警察处理。 hand down 传给 hand on 传递 hands up 举手 hand out 分给, 分发 8. mistaken adj. 错误的, 不正确的 If I’m not mistaken, we must have met before. be mistaken about 对……持错误的见解 mistake n./v. 错误; 犯错误 make a mistake mistake A for B 把A错当成B 9. What if I was? 如果我是又怎样呢? 此句为省略句。原句为: What if I was born in…? What if…意思为“要是……又会怎样?” 10. classify v. 编排; 分类; 归类 be classified by/according to 通过……归类 be classified as 被归类为 classify sth in / into 把某物分成 In the library, books are usually classified by subjects. 11. People begin their working life in a poor neighborhood of London with 80 pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100 thousand. 人们在伦敦的一个贫穷地区开始工作, 年薪 80英镑, 而最终成为拥有10万英镑的


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