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lifestylesA PerfectDay ?Unit 1 Lesson 1 TV series 电视剧a kind of programmes (节目) What programmes (节目) do you like to watch?Can you tell me:TV series电视剧Cartoon卡通Film电影Sport programme体育赛事Verity show综艺节目News新闻 ? Different kinds of (种类) programmes help us to have a happy life, It is not a good lifestyle.这是一种不好的生活方式 bad for our eyes?? NoIs it good to spend too much time watching TV? but What is lifestyle? ?Including clothing, eating, housing, travelling, working and how they spend free time, etc.stay at home宅在家play outside with friends 出门约友busy in studying学无止境The daily activities of people.What do you usually do on weekends? Bob BlackBrian BlakeyA Couch PotatoA Workaholic What is the meaning of a couch potato? A couch potato refers to(指) someone who watches lots of television. couch/sofa沙发potato 土豆remote control遥控器television (TV) someone who spends most of time workingA Workaholic名词后缀的一种。与其他动词名词组合表示:狂热的喜爱某事某物 / 花费很多时间做某事 Bob BlackBrian BlakeyA Couch PotatoA Workaholicwatches lots of TVworks a lot What programmes does he watch in TV?What sentences tell us that Brian is a couch potato? Fast reading --- A Couch Potato Read the passage quickly(快速)Underline (划线) the TV programmes that Brian watchesQuestion: (para.2) I watch TV for sixteen or seventeen hours a day. (para.3) Here is the remote control. You’ve got the world at your feet. And in your hand.children’s programmes;movies=films;the news;TV series; sport programmes Read the passage quickly(快速) Underline(划线) the works Bob does every day.Fast reading --- A WorkaholicQuestion: How was Bob’s day? what works does he do?Bob is very busy. (para.2) meetings(会议) and phone calls; urgent matters(紧急事务); (para.3) paperwork(书面工作) and e-mails(邮件); documents(文件) Find the time--- A Couch PotatoPersonLifestyles A couch potatoIn the morning: watch the children’s programmes and old movies. At noon: watch another old film and take the dog for a walk.. In the evening: watch TV series or sport and the news again.At night: watch mor


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