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教材版本:北京师范大学出版社英语教材 模块5 第15单元第一课 学段学科:高中英语 班 级:高一年级2班 学 期:2020-2021学年第二学期 课 名: Unit 15 Learning Lesson 1 Life-long Learning --The Importance of Life-long Learning 北京师范大学出版社英语教材 模块5 第15单元第一课 Unit 15 Learning Lesson 1 Life-long LearningThe Importance of Life-long Learning 许昌市第三高级中学 刘爱玲 Teaching Objectives:To clarify and comb details of experiences of 3 life-long learners by trying mind-map as a reading strategy.To realize the importance and methods of life-long learning and strengthen the belief of life-long learning. 01 Warm-upWhen did you start to learn?Did you have the experience of learning a new subject or new skill ? How did you learn a new subject or a new skill? 02 Pre-readingEnjoy a video!1.Are they students? 2.How old may they be? 3.What are they doing? Sun Wen28 years oldMs Tang45 years oldGrandpa Chen75 years ol First-reading --- Prediction by scanningWhat does he/she learn?Why does he/she learn?How does he/she learn?What happened after his/her learning? Think ShareTry to draw a mind-map to retell Sun Wen’s/Ms Tang’s/Grandpa Chen’s life-long learning experiences in details. 04 While-reading whywhowhenhow longhowwhat happendwhy how feelwhat happenedwhywhat happenedwhyhow it was likewhen how People around us People around us Our life-long learning experiences Our life-long learning experiences Think ShareStories of life-long learners around you05 Post-readingnamehowagewherewhat happenedfeelingwhywith whomchanges between beforeafter... Life-long learning not only means“learn to live” or “Its never too late to learn”,but also means that we learn something continuously and willingly,for job requirements or just a hobby. words to you At first,we learn for fame,but later for enjoyment,then it becomes a necessary part of our life.The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago or right now,so does learning. Search for more information about life-lo


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