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三.拓展迁移,畅所欲言 * vivid appealing 现实的 形象生动的 吸引人的 abstract realistic * Which style of paintings do you prefer, western or Chinese? Why? 三.拓展迁移,畅所欲言 请同学们小组讨论,然后举手发言 * 6Unit_1_A_Short_History_of_Western_Painting 人教必修 * Can you speak out more art styles? movie literature(文学) Lead -in * Can you speak out more art styles ? opera building * Can you speak out more art styles ? sculpture paper cutting(剪纸) * painting * 一.快速阅读,整体把握 请同学们快速浏览文章,独立思考后,举手发言。时间2分钟。 The passage is divided into(被分成) _____parts. Part 1 is a general introduction of the passage. Part 2 is about paintings in __________________. Part 3 is about paintings in __________________. Part 4 is about __________________. Part 5 is about __________________. five the Middle Ages the Renaissance Impressionism Modern Art 一.快速阅读,整体把握 * 二.理解细节,合作探究 请同学们认真默读阅读第1、2部分,独立完成以下填空题,之后小组交换意见,每组选出代表发言。时间5分钟。 1.Art is influenced by the c and f of people. S in western art have changed many times. 2.During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent(表现)r ustoms aith tyles eligious themes. Part(1、2)(第1-12行) * F less T F oil paints F people Part 3(第14-30行)The Renaissance 请同学们认真听录音(第三部分),完成以下判断题。 之后小组交换意见,每组选出代表发言。时间5分钟。 Ture or False 1.People begin to concentrate more on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. 2.They tried to paint building and nature as they really were. 3.This technique was first used by Masaccio. 4.By coincidence, water color were also developed at this time, which made the colors more richer and deeper. * 1.When did Europe change a great deal? In the late 19th century In the early 19th centyry In the late 18th century 2. Who were the first painters to paint outdoors? Painters in the Middle Ages. B. Painters in the Renaissance. C. The Impressionists. Part 4(第32-45行) Impressionism 请同学们大声朗读第四部分,独立完成以下选择题,之 后小组交换意见,每组选出代表发言。时间5分钟。 * What is the characteristic(特点)



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