人教版英语 八年级上册 单词 一词 一例句.doc

人教版英语 八年级上册 单词 一词 一例句.doc

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人教版英语 八年级上册 单词 一词 一例句

PAGE 2 人教版八年级上册英语单词 一词 一例句 Unit?1? Anyone(任何人): Anyone can join in the event. (任何人都可以参加这个活动。) Anywhere(在任何地方): You can find a good restaurant anywhere in this city. (在这个城市你随处可以找到一家好的餐厅。) Wonderful(绝妙的): The fireworks display was really wonderful. (烟花表演非常精彩。) Few(很少): There are few students in the classroom today. (今天教室里的学生很少。) Quite a few(相当多): We have quite a few apples in the basket. (篮子里有相当多的苹果。) Most(大多数): Most people prefer to travel during the summer. (大多数人喜欢在夏天旅行。) Something(某事;某物): I forgot to bring something important with me. (我忘记带了一件重要的东西。) Nothing(没有什么;没有一件东西): There is nothing to worry about. (没有什么好担心的。) Everyone(每个人): Everyone should attend the meeting tomorrow. (每个人明天都应该参加会议。) Of course(当然;自然): Of course, I will help you with your project. (当然,我会帮助你完成项目。) Myself(我自己;我本人): I made dinner for myself last night. (昨晚我为自己做了晚饭。) Yourself(你自己;您自己): Take care of yourself while traveling alone. (你一个人旅行时要注意安全。) Hen(母鸡): The hen laid an egg in the morning. (母鸡早上下了一个蛋。) Pig(猪): The pig is rolling in the mud. (猪在泥浆中打滚。) Seem(好像;似乎;看来): It seems that its going to rain today. (今天看起来要下雨了。) Bored(厌倦的;烦闷的): I feel bored and have nothing to do. (我感到无聊,没有事可做。) Someone(某人): Someone left their umbrella at the bus stop. (有人把伞落在公交车站了。) Diary(日记;日记簿): She writes in her diary every night. (她每晚都写日记。) Enjoyable(有乐趣的;令人愉快的): The movie was very enjoyable. (这部电影非常有趣。) Activity(活动): The school organized a sports activity for the students. (学校为学生们组织了一项体育活动。) Decide(决定;选定): I need to decide which university to attend. (我需要决定去哪所大学。) Try(尝试;设法;努力): Dont be afraid to try new things. (不要害怕尝试新事物。) Paragliding(滑翔伞运动): He enjoys paragliding and feeling like a bird in the sky. (他喜欢滑翔伞运动,感受自己像一只鸟在天空中飞翔。) Bird(鸟): The bird is singing in the tree. (鸟儿在树上唱歌。) Bicycle(自行车;脚踏车): I ride my bicycle to work every day. (我每天骑自行车上班。) Building(建筑物;房子): The tall building stands in the center of the city. (高楼耸立在城市中心。) Trader(商人): He works as a trader in the stock market. (他在股市工作做交易员。) Wonder(想知道;琢磨): I wa



