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高考英语二轮复习 书面表达;2022年全国乙卷;There are many things we can do to learn English well. Recently, a survey concerning different ways to learn English beyond the classroom has been conducted. The results are as follows.;占……份额 account for/make up+ 百分比 eg. Office buildings accounted for 36% of total energy consumption in 2007. 2) the percentage of 3) 分别 respectively A, B and C account for 10%, 20%, 30% respectively. (从小到大或者从大到小排列);The chart shows /indicates /demonstrates that there are mainly four learning activities. The majority of the students choose to learn English by listening to English songs and watching English films, accounting for 65% and 50% respectively. By contrast, the figures for the other two activities are considerably lower, with only 18% students choosing reading English books and 12% students choosing browsing English websites.;内容包括: 1. 学习活动状况描述; 2. 简单评论; 3. 你的建议。;There are many things we can do to learn English well. Recently, a survey concerning different ways to learn English beyond the classroom has been conducted. The results are as follows. The chart demonstrates that there are mainly four learning activities. The majority of the students choose to learn English by listening to English songs and watching English films, accounting for 65% and 50% respectively. By contrast, the figures for the other two activities are considerably lower, with only 18% students choosing reading English books, followed by 12% students browsing English websites. From the results, we may safely draw the conclusion that most students would rather study English in a more entertaining way, in which they may suffer less pressure. From my point of view, our school could provide some activities such as book clubs or English corners to further inspire students interest in learning English.;(押题猜题一)你校英文报上周组织了主题为“Students’Ways to Take Exercise”的调查活动。请你结合调查结果写一篇英语短文,内容包括: 1.概述调查结果; 2.你喜欢的锻炼方式; 3.建议合理地锻炼。 StudentsWays to Take Exercise;英语周报30期学校英文报正在开展以Do middle school stu


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