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报道类应用文;真题范例;(2023年1月浙江)上周末你参加了校学生会组织的“认识我身边的植物”活动。请为校英文报写篇报道,内容包括: 活动的过程; 2. 收获与感想。 注意: 写作词数应为 80 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答 Getting to Know the Plants Around Us;(2023年1月浙江)上周末你参加了校学生会组织的“认识我身边的植物”活动。请为校英文报写篇报道,内容包括: 活动的过程; 2. 收获与感想。 注意: 写作词数应为 80 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答 Getting to Know the Plants Around Us;目的相关描述 1.relieve/release great pressure from... 2.enrich our school life 3.strengthen our friendship 4.raise awareness of... 5.enhance physical fitness 6.broaden our horizen 7.gain / enrich / increase our knowledge about the environment ;介绍活动举办的目的,时间,地点,原因等信息的常用表达;(2023年1月浙江)上周末你参加了校学生会组织的“认识我身边的植物”活动。请为校英文报写篇报道,内容包括: 活动的过程; 2. 收获与感想。 注意: 写作词数应为 80 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答 Getting to Know the Plants Around Us;(2023年1月浙江)上周末你参加了校学生会组织的“认识我身边的植物”活动。请为校英文报写篇报道,内容包括: 活动的过程; 2. 收获与感想。 注意: 写作词数应为 80 左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答 Getting to Know the Plants Around Us; Getting to Know the Plants Around Us A meaningful activity called Getting to know the Plants Around Us was organized by the Students Union in our campus last weekend, which would raise our awareness of passion for plants and an appreciation of nature. As scheduled, the event was held in the City Botanic Garden with a brief beginning lecture by a local botanist on the plant ecosystem. Then, we went on observing the Garden and leaning more knowledge of the plants, such as the varieties of plants, the incredible medical functions and the role of plants in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.活动的过程 The event was a valuable and enriching experience, which stimulated our passion for promoting environmental protection.收获与感想;(2020年全国新高考Ⅰ卷)上周日??校举办了5公里越野赛跑活动。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,?内容包括: 1.?参加人员; 2.?跑步路线:从校门口到南山脚下; 3.?活动反响。 注意:1.?写作词数应为100词左右; 2.?请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 A Cross-Country Running Race;A Cross-Country Running Race Last Sunday witnessed(目睹) an extraordinary(非凡的) cross-country running race, which nearly drew the attention of(吸引) every student and teacher of our school. (总述活动时间、地点、人物事件) The students(


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