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鲁迅《故乡》(中英文互译) 说起故乡,每个人心中都有一番感慨。世上有一个最纯朴的地方叫故乡,入间有一个最温暖的港湾是故乡。在中国,有一种乡情叫落叶归根。故乡,永远是每个游子=生最难割舍的情结,是心里最美的风景园林,是生命中最纯洁的情感圣地。今夭推荐的就是鲁迅先生的小说《故乡》的节选。这篇小说完成于1921年1月发表在《新胄年》第九卷第一号上,后来收录于小说集《呐喊》,表达了一个出走异乡的现代文明人对故乡的眷恋。 故乡《节选》 My 0旧Home (Excerpt) 我们的船向前走,两岸的胄山在黄昏中都装成了深黛颜色,连着退向船后梢去· As we set Off in the dusk, the green mountains on either side Ofthe rver became deep blue receding towards the stern of the boat、 宏丿口我靠着船窗,同看外面模糊的风景·他忽然问道. 大伯!我们什么时候回来? Hung-erh and Ir leaning against the cabin window, were | 00 ng out together at the indistinct scene outside, when suddenly he asked: Uncle, when shall we go back? “回来?你怎么还没有走就想回来了。 Go back? Do you mean that before you r ve left you want to go back? Well, Shui-sheng has invited me to his home... He opened wide his black eyes in anxious thought. ìne?é Mother and I both felt rather sad, and so Jun-tu i s name came up again. Mother said that ever since our family started packing up, Mrs. Yang from the beancurd shop had come over every day, and the day before in the ash-heap she had unearthed a dozen bowls and plates, which after some discussion she insisted must have been buried there by Jun-tu, so that when he came to remove the ashes he could take them home at the same time. After making this discovery Mrs. Yang was very pleased with herself, and flew off raking the dog-teaser with her. (The dog-teaser is used by poultry keepers in our parts. It is a wooden cage inside which food is put, so that hens can stretch their necks in to eat but dogs can only look on furiously.) And it was a marvel, considering the size of her feet, how fast she could run. I was leaving the old house farther and farther behind, while the hills and rivers of my old home were also receding gradually ever farther in the distance. But I felt no regret. I only felt that all round me was an invisible high wall, cutting me off from my fellows, and this depressed me thoroughly. The vision of that small hero with the silver necklet among the watermelons had formerly


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