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林海音《各阳·童年·骆驼队》(中英文互译) 林海音(1918一2001),生于日本大阪,1923年随父母回国,在北京度过了童年与青年时期,大学毕业后任北京《世界日报》记者。1948年到台湾,1955 年主编《联合报》副刊,1967年创办和主编《纯文学》月刊。回顾北京城南的历历往事所写的《城南旧事》是她最受读者喜爱的一本书,后被改编成电影。 她的作品洋溢着浓郁的乡愁,具有典雅柔美的风格。 冬阳·童年·骆驼队 Winter Sun · Childhood · Caravan 骆驼队来了停在我家门前。 The caravan of camels arrived and stopped in front of our home. 它们排列成一长串,沉默的站着,等候人们的安排。天气又干又冷。拉骆驼的摘下了他的毡帽,秃L上冒着热气,是一股白色的烟,融入干冷的大气中· Standing in a long string, they silently awaited their masters bidding, It was dry and cold. The camel driver took Off his felt cap, his sweaty bald pate giving Off puffs Of whitish steam to blend into the dry and cold air. 爸爸在和他讲价钱。双峰的驼背上,每匹都驮着两麻袋煤。我在想,麻袋里面是 南山高末呢?还是乌金墨玉?我韋常看见顺城街煤栈的白墻上写着这样几个大黑字。但是拉骆驼的说,他们从门头沟来,他们和骆驼,是一步一步走来 Father was haggling over prices with him, The camels had each two sacks of coal on their two-humped backs. I was curious about the sacks of top-grade coal dust from Southern Mountain or black gold and inky jade, as I often saw in ads splashed in large black Chinese characters over the white wall of the coal storehouse near the city wall. But the camel driver said he had trekked with the camels all the way from Mentougou, step by step. The camels knelt down by bending their front legs and sticking up their bottoms while another camel driver was giving out fodder to them. After father had finished bargaining, the camel drivers began unloading the coal while the camels were eating. I stood in front of the camels, lost in watching the way they were chewing the fodder as well as their ugly faces, long teeth and composure. They were busy grinding their upper and lower teeth together with steam let out of their nostrils and foam forming all over their beards. I looked blankly and involuntarily started grinding my teeth, too. As my teacher told me, I should learn from the camel - an animal so calm and steady and so patient. It moves slowly but never fails to reach the destination of its journey; it chews its food slowly, but never fails to get its fill. Maybe it is slow by natu


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