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气化炉结构设计及制造工艺 摘 要 煤炭资源在我国一次能源中占70%以上,所认为了适应我国缺油、少气、富煤的基本国情,本设计针对水煤浆制取合成气的大型设备——气化炉进行研究,根据一开始所选择的炉型,对其重要零部件设计计算,涉及上下封头、筒体、支座、密封和人孔等结构,并绘制出气化炉的装配草图。然后对整个气化炉制造过程及以上各零部件的制造工艺研究分析,阐述关键制造工序并提出解决制造难点的方案。结合设备制造的过程经验,针对SA387Gr11CL2材料表面堆焊耐蚀层、复合钢板对接、各零部件组焊等焊接工艺也做了重点分析,并做出总结。通过查阅相关资料,最终选择合适的热解决方式,即分部件单个热解决并辅助加工手段逐层消除保证后,做最后的整体消除应力热解决以达成最终效果。同时,由于设备的大型化,难以运送,所以本文对设备的现场组装、压力实验等也做了一定的介绍。 关键词:德士古气化炉,结构设计,制造工艺,焊接 Structure Design and Manufacturing Process of Gasifier ABSTRACT Coal resources accounted for more than 70% in Chinas primary energy, in order to adapt to Chinas basic national conditions of lacking oil and gas and riching in coal resources, the design mainly discuss gasifying furnace which is used to produce synthetic gas from coal water slurry, first I design and calculate the main parts of the gasifier according to the furnace type before, including the heads of gasifier, cylinders, supporting seats, sealing and manhole structure, next draw the assembly sketches of gasifier. Then, analyze the manufacturing technology of the whole gasifier and the major parts, elaborate the key manufacturing procedure and put forward the plan to solve the questions of difficult manufacturing process. Analyze and summarize the surfacing process of SA387Gr11CL2, the butt welding of the composite steel, and the welding technology of the parts by combining with the process experiences of the equipment manufacturing. And choose the suitable heat treatment finally, through accessing to relevant information, which is heating the parts of gasifier with the auxiliary means of processing layer by layer to eliminate stress. Then, heat the whole of gasifier to eliminating stress to achieve the final effect. At the same time, due to the large-scale of equipment, it is difficult to transport, so this paper also introduces the field of equipment. Key words: Texaco gasification furnace, structure design, manufacturing process, welding 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 16258 摘 要 I 12814 ABSTRACT II 11103 1



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