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八年级英语名词专项练习 ?(选择填空 1(Mr Gao is a teacher. He works in a new ____ . A(shop B(school C(factory D(hospital 2(If you want to know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in a ____ . A(diary B(dictionary C(newspaper D(diagram 3(Mr Shute is a friend of ____ . A(Johns uncle B(John uncles C(Johns uncles D(John uncle 4(----Would you like ____ tea? ----No, thanks. I have drunk two ____ . A(any; bottles of orange B(some; bottles of orange C(many; bottles of oranges D(few; bottle of oranges 5(----When do you usually have your ____ in the evening? A(things B(rice C(meal D(food 6(I usually go to a ____ to borrow some books. A(shop B(cinema C(hospital D(library 7(People often use horses for ____ . A(hard working B(working hard C(work hard D(hard work 8(The word “houses” underlined part is pronounced ____ . A( siz] B([ziz] C([zis] D([is] B( 9(Uncle Wang bought two ____ yesterday. A(watchs B(watches C(watch D(watchss 10(There are a lot of ____ down there but hardly any ____ . A(sheeps; people B(sheep; people C(sheeps; peoples D(sheep; peoples 11(There is a ____ over the river. A(ship B(boat C(bridge D(village 12(In ____ time, those mountains will be covered with trees, too. A( few years B(a few years C(a few year D(a few years 13(There are lots of ____ in the basket on the table. A(tomatos B(tomato C(tomatoss D(tomatoes 14(Whose ____ are these? A.photo B(photoes C(photos D(photoss 15(The cat caught two ____ last night. A(mouses B(mice C(mouse D(mices 16(Jack went to have two ____ pulled out yesterday afternoon. A(tooths B(tooth C(teeth D(toothes 17(The leaning tower is about 180 ____ high. A(feet B(foots C(foots D(feets 18(There are many ____ on the hill. A(sheeps B(sheep C(sheepes D(sheeps 19(There are six ____ and fifteen ____ in this workshop. A(mans; womans B(men; women C(men; womans D(mans; women 20(In our school there are fifty-five ____ . A( women teachers B(woman teachers C(women teacher D(womans teacher 21(The day before yesterday she t


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