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Part Ⅰ. Listening
compreheion (10%)
Directio: In this
part you will hear three long talks or passages. Each will be read only once.
At the end of each talk or passage, there will be some questio. After you
hear a question, you must choose the best awer from the four choices marked
A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Awer Sheet with a
single line through the center.
Question 1 to 4 are
based on the talk you’ve just heard.
1. A. She wants him to listen to the noise.
B. She wants him
to examine the machine.
C. She wants him
to wash the clothes.
D. She wants him
to repair the machine.
2. A. He asks the woman to ignore the noise.
B. He asks the
woman to let him finish his reading.
C. He asks the
woman to ring the shop and ask them to repair it.
D. He asks the
woman to stop washing.
3. A. The man from the shop overcharged then for his work.
B. The man from
the shop charged them two pounds.
C. The man from the
shop refused to repair the machine.
D. The man from
the shop fixed the machine carelessly.
Questio 4 to 6 are
based on the passage you’re just heard.
4. A. Different businesses produce different products.
B. Each worker
plays a certain role in finishing a certain product.
C. The worke
are very specialized experts in their field.
D. Each worker
is only concerned with his own work.
5. A. It is easy for the worke to become experts.
B. It will
reduce the labor.
C. It will raise
the productivity.
D. It will make the
worke satisfied with their work.
6. A. The division of labor brings about mass production.
B. Most worke
have no idea how the production is operated on the whole.
C. Worke seem
to be unable to get a see of satisfaction from working.
D. Working on
one small duty day after day is dull.
Questio 7 to 10 are
based on the passage you’ve just heard.
7. A. We will not have enough food to eat.
B. All the oil
that drives our car will be used up.
C. The earth
will become ice crowded.
D. There will be
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