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第一编 英国The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
第一章 国土和人民Land and PeopleⅠ. Multiple choices
1. Which of the
following is NOT coidered a characteristic of London?
A. The cultural centre.
B. The business centre.
C. The financial centre.
D. The sports centre.
2. Which of the
following is NOT true about the characteristics of Britain?
A. Economic differences between north and south.
B. Differences of social systems between Scotland and
C. Class differences between a white-collar worker and a
blue-collar worker.
D. Cultural differences between immigrants and the British.
3. Which of the
following is NOT true about Britain?
A. It used to be a powerful imperial country in the world.
B. It plays an active role as a member of the European
C. It is a relatively wealthy and developed country.
D. It used to be one of the superpowe in the world.
4. Which is the largest
city in Scotland?
A. Cardiff.
B. Edinburgh.
C. Glasgow.
D. Manchester.
5. Why did the Scottish
Kings decide to form an independent singular Scottish state in the 9th century?
A. They needed a unified independent nation to fight
agait Viking raids.
B. They felt it necessary to develop their own industry.
C. They were threatened by the Anglo-Saxo’ invasion.
D. They had to do it in order to resist the English.
6. Where do the
majority of people in Scotland live?
A. In the Highlands.
B. In the Lowlands.
C. In the Uplands.
D. In the west of Scotland.
7. Which of the
following statements is NOT true?
A. Wales was invaded by the Roma.
B. Wales was occupied by the Anglo-Saxo.
C. Wales was conquered by the Norma.
D. Wales was threatened by the English.
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