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第一部分 考研真题精选一、填空题1. When a word appea in a variety of forms depending on its
grammatical role in the sentence we say that it undergoes _____. [中山大学2018研]
2. ______ is the name for oppositeness
relation. [北二外2015研]
3. Phonetics is the study of ______ sounds that the human voice is capable
of creating whereas phonology is the study of a subset of those sounds that
cotitute language and meaning. [北京邮电大学2015研]
4. A principal distinction between morphology and syntax is that the
former is concerned with the internal composition of a word, whereas the latter
is concerned with _____ of words. [中山大学2017研]
【解析】Morphology is concerned with the internal organization of words. It
studies the minimal units of meaning-morphemes and word-formation processes.
Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different cotituents are
combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the
interrelatiohips between elements in sentence structure.
5. _____ is the study of speech sounds that the human voice is capable
of creating whereas phonology is the study of a subset of those sounds that
cotitute language and meaning. The fit focuses on chaos while the second
focuses on order. [北京邮电大学2016研]
6. Language is a form of human communication by mea of a system of
_____ principally tramitted by vocal sounds. [中山大学2017研]
【解析】Language is a
system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.
7. Syntax is the study of how words combine to make sentences. The
order of words in sentences varies from language to language. English language,
for itance, generally follows a ______ order, as in the sentence “The dog
(subject) b
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