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I. Grammar amp; Vocabulary
(20 points)
Directio: There are
twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence, there are four words
or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes
the sentence.
1 Whenever you see an old film, you can’t help being struck by the
appearance of the actresses—their hair styles and make-up look dated, their general appearance
is in fact slightly _____.
A. classic
B. fanciful
C. deranged
D. ludicrous
2 When an American team explored a temple which stands in an
ancient prosperous city on the _____ Ayia Irini, the archaeologists discovered
a graceful Goddess.
A. promontory
B. outpost
C. traits
D. channel
3 Now Norman has put himself into the patient _____ state of mind
of a chess player.
A. contemplative
B. attentive
C. pondering
D. thinking
4 Dr. Park was accused _____ the patient with overdose of sleeping
pills so that the patient’s life was terminated before the expected time.
A. of providing
B. with
C. to have
D. to provide
【解析】句意:帕克医生接到指控,因为他给病人服用了过量的安眠药,导致病人提前死亡。本题考查的是固定搭配。be accused of …被指控;被控告犯有……。
5 By the end of next month we ______ this
A. will finish
B. will be
C. will have
D. have finished
the end of next month是将来完成时的标志,故答案为C。
6 We will be losing money this year unless
that new economic plan of you _____ miracle.
A. is working
B. works
C. will be
D. worked
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