人教版小学英语五年级上册Unit 3 What would you like.pptxVIP

人教版小学英语五年级上册Unit 3 What would you like.pptx

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Unit 3Whɑt would you like?Part C Story time 30-Second Non-Stop Talking(30秒不停说) Rules: 6 students,a group.(六人一小组) Every student says one food,fruit or drink(饮料).(每人说一种食物,水果或饮料) Tips: No repeating in a group.(小组内不能重复一样的) Time: 30 seconds(30秒内不停说) Brain Storming saladhamburgersandwichesice creamvegetableteaWhat would you like to eat/drink?I’d like ... It is…/They are… Make a vegetable salad A Vegetable SaladNo problem. Make a vegetable salad What do they need(需要) to make(做) a vegetable salad? How do they make(做) a vegetable salad? Why do they eat a vegetable salad? Task1. Look,read and circle(看一看,读一读并圈出答案). What do they need(需要)to make(做) a vegetable salad?A.TomatoesB.CarrotsC.OnionsD.MilkE. CucumbersF.Vegetables The vegetables are so fresh. Task2. Look, read and fill (看一看,读一读并填空)How do they make(怎样做) a vegetable salad?First(首先), ____the vegetables.Second(其次), _____the vegetables.Third(第三),_____the vegetables. Last(最后),_____the vegetables.cleancutmixpick pick clean cut mix(混合) .It looks nice! It’s healthy,too. 图片2_副本.jpgHere’s some fresh milk.Dinner at the farm is great! Task3. Read,find and underline.(读一读,找一找原因,并划线。)Why(为什么) do they eat a vegetable salad?Clean the vegetables Practice Time Listen and observe the order to make a salad.(听一听并仔细观察制作沙拉的顺序。) Put these pictures in order ( 4 )( 1 )( 3 )( 2 ) Practice TimeListen and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(听一听并注意语音语调) Practice TimeListen and imitate(听一听并模仿跟读) Role-play the storySome Tips:1.Act in group(6人一组进行表演)2.Choose A, B or C to role-play(每人自行选择zip or zoom)3.Try to imitate the voices.(一定要注意模仿角色的语音语调)4.表演必须要有动作。 Act it outStandards for evaluation(评分标准)带动作看稿表演带动作脱稿表演声情并茂脱稿带动作表演 Discussion(讨论)How do we keep a balanced diet(我们如何保持一个平衡的饮食)? Some of you are too fat.Some of you are too thin. .morelessThis is the Food Pyramid(食物金字塔). We should eat more(更多)/proper(适量)/less(更少)…We should drink more(更多)/p



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