人教版PEP小学六年级英语上册Unit 6 How do you feel .pptxVIP

人教版PEP小学六年级英语上册Unit 6 How do you feel .pptx

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Unit 6 how do you feel?Part C story timePEP人教版六年级上册第六单元第六课时 if you are happy Lets say看表情,说单词How do you feel?I am_____.happysadangrysuprisedworried Lets act听单词,模仿表情happysadangrysuprisedworried watch and guess watch and check p1--p2How does zip feel?Zip is happy. ?________ What’s missing?_____________________?_________________?很快爆米花 ?How do we make popcorn? It only takes three minutes p3--p4How does zip feel?Zip is still happy.做许多爆米花 p3--p4How does zip feel?A little worried.有一点担心 worridIs he in the ________?living roomIs he in the ________?bedroomIs he in the ________?bathroomIs he in the _______?study read and think.Where is he? I am a little worried now. 播放视频4-5p4--p5Where is Zoom? worridliving roomkitchengarden worridHow does Zip feel now? read and think worrid read and think read and thinkHow does Zip feel now?angry worrid____What will Zoom say?p6Well,I planted the popcorn seeds.But they take a long time to grow.Im still waiting...种子生长数到十深呼吸 worridWaiting… worridWaiting…Waiting… worridWaiting…Waiting… worridWaiting…Waiting… worridWaiting…It takes a long time. It’s _____, Zip is in the _____ room. Her _______________ is on soon. She wants to eat some________. ______will go and make some. living6:55favourite TV showpopcornZoom It’s __ o’clock, Zip is waiting in the ____ room. She is _____.happy7livingIt’s _____, Zip is still in the _____ room, she is _____.7:10livinghappy It’s _____, Zip is in the _______, she is _______.7:32kitchenworriedhappyworried At last ,Zip is in the garden. She cant eat popcorn.She is angry. worrid Role-play worridHow do you think of Zoom?He is......helpfulkindwarm-heartedlets think A friend in need is a friend indeed. What will happen to Zoom and Zip in the end?Lets add an end for this story. lets creat what does the story tell us? lets summaryWe should calm down when we angry.A friend in need is a friend indeed.(使)平静下来患难见真情这个故事告诉了我们什么? worrid1. Tell the story to your friends. (向你的朋友讲述这个故事)2. Creat a new ending for this story(为这个



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