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安康学院毕业论文(设计) 学 号 07022801470125 分类号 本科生毕业论文(设计) 题目: 基于Unity游戏引擎的游戏设计 院 (系) 电子与信息工程系 专 业 计算机科学与技术 班 级 2007级 学 生 姓 名 指导教师(职称) 提 交 时 间 二零一一年五月 摘 要 基于Unity游戏引擎的游戏设计 胡涛 (安康学院电子与信息工程系,陕西安康,725000) 摘 要 游戏,目前已经是最大众化的娱乐之一,而其中的3D游戏也是技术含量较高的项目之一。Unity3D是一个3D游戏开发工具和游戏引擎套件,其中包括了图形、音频、物理、网络等多方面的引擎支持,并且有一个非常强大的编辑器来整合这一切,非常适合于游戏开发。 本文主要是以Unity3.1.0为开发环境,设计并开发一款单机版的三维游戏——直升机大战,旨在介绍直升机战斗游戏的实现方法,并逐步介绍使用Unity3D开发3D游戏的方法和技巧。通过这次游戏制作,使我体会到了,制作一个游戏所需要做的工作,包括前期的游戏策划,素材的制作,到后期的游戏的设计,代码实现等,最终形成一个完整的3D游戏,并通过Unity3D 关键词 游戏设计;Unity3D;直升机大战 Unity?game engine?based on?game design HU Tao (Department of Electronic and Information Engineering, Ankang University, Abstract Game, has been one of the most popular entertainment , of which high-tech 3D game is also one of the projects .Unity3D is a 3D game development tools and game engine kit, which includes graphics, audio, physical, network and other aspects of the engine, and has a very powerful editor to integrate all of this ,very suitable for game development. This article is Unity3.1.0 for the development environment, design and develop a stand-alone version the three-dimensional game-helicopter war, purpose is to introduce the realization method of the helicopter combat game , and gradually introduced 3D game using Unity3D developed methods and techniques. Through the game production, so I understand, and make a game to do the work, including pre-game planning, material production to the late game design, code, etc., forming a complete 3D games, and Select the platform through Unity3D an executable file. However, this design work done by helicopter combat game is not perfect, start menu, the scene is relatively simple, only one weapon in the game, only one level, these require further design and improvement of the future. Key Words Game design; Unity3D; Helicopter War 目 录 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 Unity


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