2024年高考英语一轮复习(新人教版) 第1部分 教材知识解读 选择性必修第四册课件.pptx

2024年高考英语一轮复习(新人教版) 第1部分 教材知识解读 选择性必修第四册课件.pptx

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2024年高考英语一轮复习(新人教版) 第1部分 教材知识解读 选择性必修第四册课件.pptx

;;;;;venue n.活动场地(如音乐厅、会场等) alien n.外星人(生物);外国人 adj.陌生的;外星的;外国的 inaction n.无行动;不采取措施 lever n.操纵杆;杠杆 panel n.控制板;仪表盘;专家咨询组 inch n.英寸(长度单位,等于2.54厘米) grip vt. vi.紧握;抓紧;hazy adj.模糊的;朦胧的;困惑的 puff n.(烟、气等的)一缕;少量;喘息 jolt n.震动;摇晃;颠簸 vt. vi.(使)震动;摇晃 flip vt. vi.(使)快速翻转;(用手指)轻抛 overstatement n.夸大;夸张;Ⅱ.记重点单词;8;;20;1; calculate vt.计算;核算;预测 →calculator n.计算器 →calculation n.计算 blurred adj.模糊不清的;难以区分的 →blur v.(使)变得模糊不清;(使)视线模糊 division n.分开;分隔;差异;除(法) →divide v.分开;分散;分配;分享; urge n.强烈的欲望;冲动 vt.催促;力劝;大力推荐 →urgent adj.紧急的;急迫的 explode vi. vt.爆炸;爆破 →explosion n.爆炸;(感情)爆发;激增 mud n.泥;泥浆 →muddy adj.泥泞的;;;;On the second morning,Tony brought her breakfast and then asked her whether she needed help dressing.(whether引导的宾语从句) 第二天早晨,托尼给她端来了早餐,还问她是否需要帮忙穿衣打扮。 She heard him declare that he did not want to leave her the next day,and that he felt more than just the desire to please her.(more than...不仅仅……) 她听到他说第二天不想离开她,他感觉他不仅仅只是想取悦她。;It felt like I was being driven fast on a winding road.(feel like...感觉像……) 这感觉就像我在一条蜿蜒的路上疾驰。 So long as I travelled at maximum speed,it didn’t matter.(so long as引导条件状语从句) 只要我全速行进就不会有问题。; 填词——语境词汇串记;Most of the staff were modest,whereas one salesman,Jack,3._________ that he could sell anything by absurd overstatements,such as science fiction,ladders,flour,leathers,levers of various panels,handkerchiefs,nails,lamps and even mud.In his view,he was superior to others,so he had an urge to take over the position of sales manager.It turned out that he often conflicted with others.Then came a rumour that all the staff would resign if Jack wasn’t dismissed,which greatly stunned Jane and even made her explode with anger.Jane thought inaction was improper,so she urged Jack to weigh pros and cons.;Otherwise,his job would be suspended.Jack felt so 4. about his ridiculous behavior that tears blurred his eyes.He promised to apologize to all the staff at a meeting on a w


1、各种学习体会和心得体会编写 2、汽车类知识课件编制

