2022届高考一轮复习2021年英语高考全国乙卷完形填空词汇 .pdf

2022届高考一轮复习2021年英语高考全国乙卷完形填空词汇 .pdf

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2021 年英语高考全国乙卷完形填空词汇(新高三可用) 2021 年高考全国乙卷完形填空词汇测试小卷 1. work as (拓展词汇) serve as act as 2. a range of a wide range of 3. grade (一词多义) 4. It came to me that…… 5. gratitude 6. put sth to the test (延展词汇) put sth to use put sth to vote put sth into effect put sth into practice 7. replacement→v. 8. operation (一词多义) 9. disastrous→n. 10. emergency 11. be grateful for=(至少两个) 12. share in 13.recover→n. 14. press (一词多义) 15. say goodbye to sb 除了say 以外,还可以用什么动作来道别? 16. colleague 17. given (一词多义) 18. set (一词多义) 19. have it= 20.expect→n. 21. depart 22. pause 23. casually 24. assess→n. 25. sorrow→adj. 26. curiosity →adj. 27. hesitate 28. consult 29. secure →n. 30. recite [答案] 2021 年高考全国乙卷完形填空词汇测试小卷(新高三可用) 1. work as 担任…工作 (拓展词汇) serve as 担任…工作 act as 担任,充当 2. a range of 一类 a wide range of 各种不同的 3. grade (一词多义)等级,级别,年级,学习成绩,给…分等级 4. It came to me that…… =It struck me that… =It hit me that… = It occurred to me that… 5. gratitude 感激 6.put sth to the test 检验某事 (延展词汇) put sth to use 把某物投入使用 put sth to vote 投票选举某事 put sth into effect 落实某事 put sth into practice 付诸实践 7. replacement→v. replace 替换,代替 8. operation (一词多义)手术,整个行动,军事、警方的行动,运转,经营,计算机 运算 9. disastrous→n. disaster 10. emergency 紧急情况、突发事件 11. be grateful for sth= (至少两个) be thankful for sth/appreciate(doing) sth 12. share in sth 分享某事 13.recover→n. recovery 14. press 压,按,劝说,使某物平整,按钮,新闻界,出版社 15. say goodbye to sb 除了say 以外,还可以用什么动作来道别? wave goodbye to sb; kiss goodbye to sb; hug goodbye to sb 16. colleague 同事 17. given (一词多义)adj. 特定的,预定的; prep. 如果考虑…; n. 认为正确的基本事 实(正式);give 的过去分词 18. set (一词多义)v. 放下,设置,确立,树立,确定,制定,调整,摆好,创造 纪录,做头发 n. 一套,一组,一副,一场,一盘 19. have it=have got it 20.expect→n. expectation 21. depart 启程,出发 22.pause 暂停,中断 23. casually 漫不经心地,偶然地,随意地 24. as


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