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大工18春《土木工程实验》(一)离线作业(实验报告)及答案 实验一:水泥实验 实验目的: 本方法旨在规定水泥标准稠度用水量、凝结时间和体积安定性的测试方法。适用于各种水泥品种。 实验内容: 第1部分:水泥标准稠度用水量、凝结时间测定 实验仪器、设备: 1.水泥净浆搅拌机:符合JC/T 729的要求。 2.标准法维卡仪:用于测定标准稠度和凝结时间。 3.沸煮箱:有效容积约为410㎜×240㎜×310㎜,箅板结构应不影响试验结果。 4.雷氏夹膨胀仪:由铜制材料制成。 5.量水器:分度值为0.1mL,精度1%。 6.天平:量程1000g,感量1g。 7.湿气养护箱:应能使温度控制在20℃±1℃,相对湿度大于90%。 8.雷氏夹膨胀值测定仪:标尺最小刻度0.5㎜。 9.秒表:分度值1s。 1、水泥标准稠度用水量 1)实验原理:将水泥试样充分拌匀,通过0.9㎜方孔筛并记录筛余物情况,但要防止过筛时混进其它水泥。试验用水必须是洁净的淡水,如有争议时可用蒸馏水。 2)实验数据及结果:使用不变水量法,用水量为142.5ml,试锥沉入值为(28±2)㎜,标稠用水量为P = 33.4-0.185S。 2、水泥凝结时间测定 1)实验原理:本实验采用GB/Tl346—2001《水泥标准稠度用水量·凝结时间·安定性检验方法》等效采用ISO9597:1989.在本标准中规定:水泥标准稠度用水量的测定方法以试杆法为标准法,以试锥法作为代用法,当两种检验方法结果发生争议时,以试杆法为准。 2)实验数据及结果:初凝时间为46 min,终凝时间为385 min。 Part 2: Cement Mortar Strength Test Experimental Basis: 1.This method is used to determine the compressive strength and flexural strength of cement with a 40mm x 40mm x 160mm solid prism。 2.The test piece is made of a plastic mortar mixture consisting of one part cement and three parts of Chinese ISO standard sand。mixed with a water-cement。of 0.5 by mass。 3.The mortar is mixed with a ary mixer and molded on a vibrating table。 4.The test pieces are cured together in a humid environment for 24 hours。then removed from the mold and cured in water until the strength test。 5.At the test age。the test piece is removed from the water and subjected to a flexural test。After breaking。the compressive strength test is performed on each n. Experimental Instruments and Equipment: The metal wire mesh test sieve should meet the requirements of GB/T6003.The ary mixer should meet the requirements of JC/T681. The test mold consists of three horizontal mold grooves。which can simultaneously form three prism test pieces with a cross n of 40mm x 40mm x 160mm。The material and size should meet the requirements of JC/T726.When assembling the clean model。sealant materials such as yellow grease should be applied to the external joints of the model。The inner surface of the mold should be coated with a thin layer of mold oil or machin


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