小学一年级英语暑假作业练习题三篇 .pdf

小学一年级英语暑假作业练习题三篇 .pdf

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【导语】英语的学习在假期仍然可以通过各种各样的⽅式来学习,阅读、听英语歌并学唱、看纯英⽂对⽩影视剧、与外国⼈ 交谈等等,⽅式多种多样且⾮常灵活,⽽在这⾥为您准备了英语假期习题,帮助您英语在考试这⽅⾯的提⾼。 【篇⼀】 ⼀、看中⽂,说单词   滑滑梯秋千⽓球球 ⾃⾏车洋娃娃芋艿⽉饼叶⼦蛋糕⾖⽉亮   ⼆、朗读下列单词   swing silde ball bicycle ball doll taro leaf bean mooncake moon balloon   三、朗读下列句⼦,对话   a) Go to the silde.   b) Pick up the doll.   c) He has got a ball.   d) She has got a doll.   e) What has he got?   f) What has she got?   g) This is Tom. He has got a bicycle. It is yellow.   h) This is May. She has got a balloon. It is pink.   i) --Tom, I have got a doll. What have you got?   --I have got a ball. It is red.   --Let‘s play togther.   --All right. 【篇⼆】 ⼀、将单词和图⽚连线   doll bicycle swing ball balloon slide   ⼆、读⼀读画⼀画   a melon a peach a mooncake a bean a leaf an orange a pear   三、将句⼦与⼩熊相应的位置连起来。   This is my face.   This is my nose.   This is my eye.   This is my mouth.   This is my ear.   四、看⼀看选⼀选   1. Is this a pencil? 2. Is this a rubber?   ( ) Yes , it is. ( ) Yes , it is.   ( ) No, it isn‘t. ( ) No, it isn’t.   3. Is this a ruler? 4. Is this a book?   ( ) Yes , it is. ( ) Yes , it is.   ( ) No, it isn‘t. ( ) No, it isn’t.   5. Is this a bag? 6. Is this a pen?   ( ) Yes , it is. ( ) Yes , it is.   ( ) No, it isn‘t. ( ) No, it isn’t.   五、看图选出正确的句⼦   ()I can read. ( ) I can sing.   ( ) I can write ( ) I can dance.   ( ) I can jump. ( ) I can draw.   ( ) I can draw. ( ) I can write.   ( ) I can read. ( ) I can dance.   ( ) I can write. ( ) I can sing. 【篇三】 1. Think and write (想⼀想,写出下列⼩写字母的邻居)10%   1) ___ ___c 2) ___ f ___ 3) p ___ ___   4) ___ s___ 5) ___ ___z   2. Finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%   l___nch bre___kf___ ___t t___me wa___c ___ d___nne___   sch___o___ nigh___ d___y clo___k fi___e   3. Read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词) 5%   1) three tree four five   2) shirt socks snow tie   3) tree under in on   4) spoon meat soup fish   5) panda hot dog horse dog   4. Read and circle(根据图⽚圈出正确的句⼦)5%   1) 2)   A. The policeman is fat. A. Spotty can j


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