冀教版七年级英语下册 (Whats Your Project About)Its Show Time! 课件教学.pptx

冀教版七年级英语下册 (Whats Your Project About)Its Show Time! 课件教学.pptx

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Whats Your Project about?Unit 2 Its Show Time! 课前自主预习单词闯关1. 课题;计划 [pr?d?ekt] n. ________ 2.兴趣 [?ntr?st] n. ________ 3.还,仍旧adv.不动的;静止的adj. [st?l]________4. 任何地方;无论何处 [en?we?] adv. ________5.(开)玩笑 [d???k] n.v. ________Lesson 7  Whats Your Project about?projectintereststillanywherejoke 短语互译1. 谈论__________________ 2.好好休息________________3.名胜古迹________________4.开玩笑;讲笑话________________ 5.从事于________________6.two full days________________7.be ready for________________8.good idea________________Lesson 7  Whats Your Project about?talk abouthave a good restplaces of interestmake a jokework on两整天准备好……好主意 句型在线根据课文内容,将以下问句与答语连线。 1.Did you have a good rest after our trip? A.Yes, I am. 2.Are you ready for your project? B.My project is about some places of interest in China. 3.Whats your project about? C.Yes, I slept for two full days! 4.Lets go to the library. D.Good idea.CLesson 7  Whats Your Project about?ABD 词汇点睛 课堂互动探究●1 interest n. 兴趣[观察] My project is about some places of interest in China.我的课题是关于中国的一些名胜古迹的。This is an interesting story. 这是一个有趣的故事。Are you interested in painting? 你对画画感兴趣吗?Lesson 7  Whats Your Project about? [辨析] interest, interesting与interestedLesson 7  Whats Your Project about?词条词性含义用法interestn.兴趣固定短语:places of interestinterestingadj.有趣的,令人感兴趣的常修饰________(人/物)interestedadj.感兴趣的常修饰________(人/物),常用结构:be interested in物人 活学活用 1.(1)单项选择We all love Miss Yang. She always makes her history class very ________.A.interest  B.interestsC.interesting D.interested CLesson 7  Whats Your Project about? (2)用interest, interesting或interested填空①Im not ________ in singing.②The book on animals is very ________.③I have no ________ in playing football.interestedLesson 7  Whats Your Project about?interestinginterest ●2 anywhere adv. 任何地方;无论何处[观察] You can find donuts anywhere in Canada.在加拿大的任何地方你都能找到面包圈。I cant find my pen anywhere.我到处都找不到我的钢笔。Lesson 7  Whats Your Project about?



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