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河北省工程建设标准建筑工程技术资料管理规程 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the companys extranet, every employee in the companys various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, 河北省工程建设标准 建筑工程技术资料管理规程 Management specification for technical documents of building engineering DB13(J)352002 主编部门:河北省建设厅 批准部门:河北省建设厅 施行日期:2002年8月1日 河北科学技术出版社 2002 石家庄 HOMEPAGE. Opening of the companys extranet, every employee in the companys various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, HOMEPAGE. Opening of the companys extranet, every employee in the companys various point access to information on the INTERNET network ... Nodes can be extended to 1000M, support shared communications and virtual network technology, to form a local area network system. Wide area network access system should be applied according to the specific requirements of local area network system, and plant wide area network connections, including wide-area public networks, 河 北 省 建 设 厅 文 件 冀建质[2002]229号 河北省建设厅 关于发布《建筑工程技术资料管理规程》的通知 各市建设局: 根据原省建委《关于下达〈1999年度河北省工程建设标准和标准图集编制计划〉的通知》(冀建设[1999]39号)的要求,河北省建设厅组织有关单位专业人员编制了《建筑工程技术资料管理规程》。经组织有关部门会审,现批准为河北省工程建设标准,统一编号为DB13(J)35—2002,自2002年8月1日起施行。原《河北省建筑安装工程施工技术资料管理规定》(河北省建筑业管理局,1992)同时废止。 本规程是以国家现行有关法律、法规和建筑工程施工质量验收规范等国家标准为依据,结合我省多年来工程技术资料管理经验编制的。自本规程实施之日起,凡在我省行政区域内新开工建筑工程的新建、扩建、改建等有关活动的建设单位、勘察与设计单位、施工单位、监理单位等均应执行本规程,其


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