Unit5单词短语语法练习 人教版九年级英语全册.docxVIP

Unit5单词短语语法练习 人教版九年级英语全册.docx

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PAGE 单词短语练习 单项选择。 1. I’d love ________ the talent show. A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. to watching 2. She was so tired that she ______ suddenly. A. passed out B. got out C. ran out D. looked out 3. ______ the questions were difficult, Angela answered them correctly. A. Since B. Because C. Although D. If 4.There will be a quiz show _______ TV tonight. Would you like to watch it? A. on B. by C. in D. with 5.Three minutes ______! Are you ready? A. go B. goes C. going D. to go 6. Zhang Yimou is one of the most famous _______. A. director B. directors C. artist D. artists 二,完成句子 1. 她在班上总是处于领先位置。 She was always ____________ ____________ the rest of the class. 2. 她坐在窗户旁,一动不动。 She sat by the window and ___________ __________. 3. 她很伤心,忍不住哭起来。 She was __________ sad _________ she couldn’t help crying. 4. 最终迈克被打败,输了比赛。 Finally Mike _________ ___________ and lost the game. 5. 到了《动物世界》的时间了。 ________ __________ __________ Animal World. 6.许多中学生把太多的时间花在玩电脑游戏上了。 Many students _________ too much time _________ _________ computer games . 7.突然其中一只鸟昏倒了,落在她的书桌上。 Suddenly one of the birds __________ ___________ and fell across her desk. 8. 虽然安杰拉没有做好准备, 但她看上去很放松, 也表现得很好。 Although Angela was not prepared, she _________ _________ and did really well. 二.重点单词,短语和句式讲解与练习 要点 1:praise 【思维导图】 【典例分析】 1.They praised his courage in the ceremony. —Yeah, I was there. He is really a brave policeman. A. laughed at B. spoke highly of C. were happy with 2.他因获得该奖而受到同事们的称赞。 He received ________ from his colleagues for ___________the prize. 要点2 view 【思维导图】 【典例分析】 1.多么美好的景色啊! ________ _______ ________ __________it is! 2.人们从世界各地赶来看表演。 People came from all over the world ________ ________ the show. 3.There are lots of ____________(view)that like this TV programme.


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