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Festivals around the world What festivals are mentioned in the passage?Say something about Obon in Japan.Say something about the Day of the Dead in Mexico.Say something about Halloween.What is Columbus Day in the USA in memory of ?Revision 3 min Scanning 3 min1.Which three times of the year did people celebrate in ancient times?Answer the following questions:2.What kind of things are done to celebrate the Obon Festival?3. Why does India have a national festival on October 2?4. How do Europeans celebrate Thanksgiving festivals?5. Name three things people do at the Spring Festival in China. 1.Which three times of the year did people celebrate in ancient times?a. the end of cold weather;b. planting in spring and harvest in autumn;c. When hunters caught animals.2.What kind of things should be done to celebrate the Obon Festival?People should go to clean the graves, light incense, lamps and play music. 3. Why does India have a national festival on October 2?To honor Gandhi who helped gain Indians independence from Britain.4. How do Europeans celebrate Thanksgiving festivals?People decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit; people get together to have meals.5. Name three things people do at the Spring Festival in China.eat dumplings, fish and meat; give children lucky money; dragon dances; visit family members and so on Comprehending 5 minLets check the answers to the questions on P3 now. Use the information from the passage to answer the questions.What are festivals of the dead usually for?What makes autumn festivals happy events?Festivals of the dead are for honouring or satisfying dead ancestors or others, who some people believe might return to help or harm living people.Autumn festivals are happy events because people are thankful that food is ready for winter and the hard farm work is finished. Use the information from the passage to answer the questions.3. What do people usually do at spring festivals?4. What is one important reason to have festivals


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