Wow English Bronze学习指导,可直接打印.docx

Wow English Bronze学习指导,可直接打印.docx

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Wow!Bronze学习指导 时长 序号.主题-部分(涉及单词)_故事/歌曲 时长 1st 2nd 3rd Wow!Bronze-Unit 1 Wow!Bronze-单元1 7:52 1.1 Its a UFO(Whats your name?How old are you?How are you?)_story 4:37 1.1 它是一个UFO(你的名字是什么?你几岁了?你好吗?)_故事 Please, Call Me Bobby(Goodmorning.Goodafternoon, Goodevening, Goodnight)_song 3:15 请叫我鲍比(早上好,午安,晚上好,晚安)_歌曲 Wow!Bronze-Unit 2 Wow!Bronze-单元 2 11:07 2.1 Look at this, little blobs!(ruler, rubber, book, pen, pencil)_story 3:30 2.1 看看这个,小斑点们!(尺子,橡皮,书,钢笔,铅笔)_故事 2.2 Thats not how we sleep!(teacher, bag, desk, chair, board)_story 4:08 2.2 我们不是这么睡觉的!(老师,背包,书桌,椅子,黑板)_故事 This Creature Is Your Teacher(pen, bag, pencil, desk, )_song 3:29 这个生物你是你们的老师(钢笔,背包,铅笔,书桌)_歌曲 Wow!Bronze-Unit 3 Wow!Bronze-单元 3 12:21 3.1 Nice and Clean(washing machine, dishwasher, cupboard, sofa, armchair)_story 5:25 3.1 干净整洁(洗衣机,洗碗机,橱柜,沙发,扶手椅)_故事 3.2 Not now, Bobby!(toilet, sink, shower, wardrobe, bed)_story 4:38 3.2 现在不行,鲍比!(马桶,水槽,淋浴器,衣柜,床)_故事 Who put my toilet there?(toilet, sofa, armchair, dishwasher, cupboard, bed, wardrobe, shower)_song 2:18 谁把我的马桶放在那了?(马桶,沙发,扶手椅,洗碗机,橱柜,床,衣柜,淋浴器)_歌曲 Wow!Bronze-Unit 4 Wow!Bronze-单元 4 13:51 4.1 Its what teachers do!(play the guitar, play the piano, play tennis, play football, play computer games)_story 4:51 4.1 这就是老师们所做的!(弹吉他,弹钢琴,打网球,踢足球,玩电脑游戏)_故事 4.2 One Day at the Park(ride a bike, go skateboarding, go skiing, do gymnastics, do karate, go swimming)_story 5:40 4.2 公园里的一天(骑自行车,玩滑板,滑雪,体操,空手道,游泳)_故事 Lets do something!(play the guitar, play the piano, play tennis, play football, play computer games, ride a bike, go skateboarding, go skiing, do gymnastics, do karate, go swimming)_song 3:20 让我们做点什么吧!(弹吉他,弹钢琴,打网球,踢足球,玩电脑游戏,骑自行车,玩滑板,滑雪,体操,空手道,游泳)_歌曲 Wow!Bronze-Unit 5 Wow!Bronze-单元 5 11:53 5.1 I cant show you that!(headache, stomach ache, cough, sore throat, runny nose)_story 5:05 5.1 我不能给你看!(头痛,胃痛,咳嗽,喉咙痛,流鼻涕)_故事 5.2 Quarantine!(drink a hot drink, stay in bed, see the doctor, take medicine, go to hospital)_story 4:45 5.2 隔离!(喝热饮,躺在床上,看医生,吃药,去医院)_故事 Dr Bob!(headache, stay in bed, sore


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