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纪录片《一睹山东煎饼风采》 摘 要 美食纪录片随着《舌尖上的中国》播出迎来了暖春。《一睹山东煎饼风采》纪录片以煎饼为主题归于美食类门下,以饮食为背景展现山东人民勤劳勇敢的精神。该部纪录片分为两大部分,第一部分讲述了传统制作煎饼的工艺以及传承,老一代人对传统的制作手艺的执着;第二部分讲述了进入机器时代,机器解放双手后煎饼制作方法的与时俱进的变化。通过人文色彩来深入挖掘美食背后所存在的意义,是该部纪录片所要达到的目的。纪录片《一睹山东煎饼风采》全面的表达了煎饼从古代到现代制作工艺的转变,以及煎饼在传播流转间衍生出的不同的形态和风味。尽管随着时代的发展制作煎饼的方法发生了改变,煎饼的形态也被不断地改进变得丰富起来,但是不变的却是想把煎饼传承下去的决心。一方水土养一方人,大自然的馈赠给山东以丰富的物产,人们根据自己的智慧创造出了不同风味的面食展现沂蒙山区的地方特色,通过美食传达好中国文化讲述好中国故事才是对美食最好的传承。希望能够通过该部纪录片让更多的人喜欢上山东煎饼,让更多的人了解山东地区的人文色彩,让更多的人认识到勤劳勇敢的山东人民。 关键词:纪录片;煎饼;视听语言;传承 Abstract The food documentary ushered in a warm spring with the broadcast of China on the tip of the tongue. A glimpse of Shandong pancakes documentary belongs to the food category with the theme of pancakes as the theme, and shows the industrious and brave spirit of Shandong people against the background of diet. The documentary is divided into two parts, the first part describes the traditional pancake making process and inheritance, the older generation of traditional making craft persistent; The second part describes the changes of pancakes making methods after the machine liberates the hands after entering the machine age. It is the purpose of the documentary to excavate the significance behind the gourmet food through the humanistic color. Documentary A glimpse of Shandong The style of pancakes comprehensively expresses the transformation of pancakes from ancient times to modern times, as well as the different forms and flavors of pancakes derived from the spread and circulation. Although the method of making pancakes has changed with the development of the times, what remains the same is the determination to pass on the pancakes. With the gift of nature to Shandong Province, people have created different flavors of pasta according to their own wisdom to show the local characteristics of Yimeng Mountain area. It is the best inheritance of gourmet food to convey Chinese culture and tell a good Chinese story through gourmet food. I hope to make more people like Shandong pancake



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