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PAGE PAGE 1 / 7 高尔顿板实验动态演示 篇一:《高尔顿钉板试验模拟(程序)》 高尔顿钉板试验模拟(程序) ...这是我 2005 年 12 的课程设计中程序的核心部分,写完后自己非常得意,等着老师表扬。等啊等,等待现在也没等到 :em16: 现将它献给大家...(若有版权那遵守BSD 吧) 注 1:程序以前是用Matlab 写的现用 Java 重写 注 2:原程序中 galton 返回值为 int[] grid 、没有“输出结果” 部分 public void galton(int sumOfGrid, int sumOfBall){ int[] grid = new int[sumOfGrid]; int number = 0; //一个小球从顶端落下过程中向右偏移的总次数 int rand ; //随机数,取值范围为{0,1},为 0、为 1 的概 率相等 for( int counter_ball = 1; counter_ball // (sumOfGrid - 1)为钉板的层数 for( int times = 1; times grid[number]++; number = 0; // } //输出结果 System.out.println( 小球的总数为+sumOfBall+\t 格子的个数为+sumOfGrid ); for( int index = 0; index System.out.println( (index+1)+号格子中的小球数为:\t+grid[index] ); } }//end of metod galton 补充:(谢谢 2 楼提醒 :-D ) 高尔顿钉板试验:自板上端放入一小球, 任其自由落下.在下落过程 中, 当小球碰到钉子时, 从左边落下与从右边落下的机会相等.碰到下一排钉子也是如此.自板上端放入n(n 自行输入)个小球, 观察小球落下后呈现曲线并统计小球落入各个格子的频率. 高尔顿钉板试验可见《概率论》(复旦大学 李贤平) 当小球数量少时分布无明显特征,当小球数量多时(100)分布近似正态分布。(即两边对称:-D) 当时为了证明服从正态分布投 1 千万个小球(计算机模拟 :-D) Galton Board The Galton board, also known as aquincunx or bean machine, is a device for statistical experiments named after English scientist Sir Francis Galton. It consists of an upright board with evenly spaced nails (or pegs) driven into its upper half, where the nails are arranged in staggered order, and a lower half divided into a number of evenly-spaced rectangular slots. The front of the device is covered with a glass cover to allow viewing of both nails and slots. In the middle of the upper edge, there is a funnel into which balls can be poured, where the diameter of the balls must be much smaller than the distance between the nails. The funnel is located precisely above the central nail of the second row so that each ball, ifperfectly centered, would fall vertically and directly onto the uppermost point of this nails surface (Kozlov and Mitrofanova 2002). The figure above shows a variant of the board in which only the nails that can potentially be hit by a ball dropped from the funnel are included, leading to a triangular array instea


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