(2023年)山东省枣庄市-统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案) .pdf

(2023年)山东省枣庄市-统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案) .pdf

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(2023 年)山东省枣庄市-统招专升本英语 预测试题(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(10 题) 1._____, we decided to leave at once, as we didn’t want to risk missing the bus () A.As it being pretty late B.It being pretty late C.It was being pretty late D.Being pretty late 2.You haven’t wasted my time. On the _______ ,you’ve helped me save sometime () A.contrary B.reverse C.opposite D.contrast 3.There is no point ________ to remember all those names and addresses. The most important thing is to understand the events associated with them () A.to try B.to be trying C.trying D.be trying 4.The price of houses goes up again, partly the requirement of young people () A.in result B.with C.because D.due to 5.Mum is getting old, so her memory is not very these days () A.true B.forgettable C.reliable D.credit 6.If you run two hares, you will catch neither () A.into B.after C.down D.out of 7.We moved to the front row we could hear and see better () A.so as B.so that C.because D.such that 8.Your library has ()books about computer science than ours A.even more B.still one C.many more D.much more 9.You may speak______ ; say what you like () A.readily B.willingly C.freely D.independently 10.If you don’t agree with me () A.neither they will B.so won’t they C.neither will they D.so they won’t neither 二、完型填空(10 题) 11.67. () A.introduced B.made C.practiced D.revised 12.43. () A.results B.conditions C.benefits D.dangers 13.45. () A.keep B.depend on C.finish D.make 14.58 () A.down B.over C.inside D.up 15. () A.original B.proper C.parallel D.precious 16.74. () A.with B.to C.for D.up 17.60 () A.kept B.being kept C.keeping D.to be kept 18.59. () A.idea B.thing C.suggestion D.advise 19.24. () A.be found B.find C.found D.been found 20.60. () A.however B.and C.though D.although 三、翻译(3 题) 21.你开车时系安全带吗? 22.是我们自己的所为和所不为决定着我们的未来 23.我父



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