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举措五:大力发展与战略伙伴的合作 与有线电视运营商合作,从电视运营商签约的用户中收取提成 通过和这些电视运营商的合作,Sprint向驻地用户提供语音服务 合作伙伴包括时代华纳、Mediacom通信,这些公司已经在其有线电视网络上提供电话业务 在与时代华纳的合作中,基于时代华纳的网络Sprint向消费者提供语音邮件、呼叫转移等服务 与内容服务提供商合作,丰富用户的内容体验 与Sony 合作,Sprint PCS提供来自Sony Music的歌曲片段作为铃声 与华纳合作,提供音乐订购服务,该服务可让用户通过无线网络下载来自华纳音乐的完整歌曲 与雅虎联合推出了面向移动设备的电子邮件服务 2005年4月,与福克斯新闻频道联手推出手机新闻业务 与体育电视频道ESPN合作推出视频焦点回放、新闻及最新比分快递等服务 携雅虎推PC-to-Mobile游戏 “雅虎纸牌”(Yahoo! Poker ) 举措六:利用终端吸引用户 通过新设备吸引用户使用新业务 推出可以支持新业务的手机 2005年2月,推出一款兼容全球GSM网络和CDMA网络的双模手机IP-A790 捆绑手机 通过赠送手机,与用户签订2年在网的合约 与设备商合作推出性价比较高的手机 2004年4月,与三星公司合作推出了一款VM-A680手机,定价149.99美元,是当时美国市场最便宜的VideoMail手机 举措七:收购Nextel 2004年12月, Sprint以350亿美元收购集群通信运营商Nextel 主要目的 加强PTT业务,为用户提供融合业务打下基础 获得Nextel 4000万客户,特别是占80%的企业级用户 合并节约120亿美元成本,主要是资本开支的减少,减少蜂窝基站和交换机的数量,减少销售、营销和管理人员数量 业务占比? BT’s strategy - This is BT’s strategy. We are actively defending our traditional business while we grow our new wave business. Our recent results show this strategy is working. Also core to the strategy is putting the customer at the centre of everything we do, where their experience of BT is simple and complete, and where we build long term relationships with them. Key milestones – In June 2004, BT set out its timetable for the transformation of its networks – in the UK and throughout the markets we serve. We announced a five year programme to underpin the next generation of converged, multimedia communications services. We will take a closer look at some of the key activities that are currently underway shortly but as you can see here we are moving towards the mass migration of customers on to the new network from 2006. By 2008, we estimate that 70 per cent of all PSTN traffic will have been migrated to the new IP network. Ultimately, we will retire our PSTN but we don’t have a time scale for that yet. And, most of our customers will have broadband dialtone in five years’ time. This will give them control of their own services. They will be able to switch their line to broadband use themselves without requiring ph


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