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摘 要
Machinery oilfield production equipment is the main energy-consuming equipment, machinery and equipment of oil pumping unit represented 90% Pumping energy therefore the level of energy consumption oilfield great impact. Pumping light of the present balance exists poor results, high power generators, low efficiency of this problem, the design of a beam with the dynamic balance beam pumps to reduce the crank shaft gear box peak torque, lower energy consumption, saving the purpose of operating costs, improve efficiency Pumping ground.
Balance beam pumping unit design features are : You beam installed a slider, Slide the stick through the pumping unit and the connecting rod connected, beam pumping unit in the rear plus a similar change with the moment balance device slide, slide block installed on balance. The beam at the end of the installation of a pulley, the pulley rope around the slider and the balance will be connected to the block. Through the course of the next stroke, regulating the size of the arm, while the balance beam You block up, a potential energy storage, the right to avoid negative electrical work done. Stroke in the process, regulating the size of the arm, while under-stroke stored potential energy release, rod and used to enhance oil column. Upper-stroke movement balance. The design of simple structure, and reliability. Facilitate the processing and maintenance.
For the new six-horse h
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