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摘 要 其开采技术一直是石油界探索的问题。稠油在我国的石油资源中所占比例较大,其开采技术一直是石油界探索的问题。: Abstract Chinas heavy oil reserves, wide distribution, yield a larger percentage of the total oil production, how to reduce the heavy oil production costs, improve economic efficiency, is the oil to international markets, one of the important research topics. Mining technology has been the oil industry of its exploration.Heavy oil is in the larger proportion of Chinas oil resources, its mining technology has been the issue in the oil industry exploration.Using steam method can reduce the throughput of crude oil viscosity and high temperature through the removal of clay and asphalt sediments, improve reservoir near well zone penetration, open wells after rapid cooling. In the past using of the steam injection into a general way, that is, injecting into several layers of steam at the same time.However, due to changes of pressure and the permeaty in various floors of the formation , so sometimes distribution of injection was unreasonable, and even a bit of steam with the rapid progress, can not expect the effect of steam injection . the purpose of the design of the steams is to make injection to the forefront stable and avoid the phenomenon of coning, and make injection well-distribution to improve the effectiveness of steam injection.This paper layered with steam for the joints, under the joint, the center of that spring, and other parts of the intensity, through calculating, the components can withstand the pressure underground, as well as the high-temperature steam environment. Key words:Heavy oil; Steam Stimulation;layered steam injector 目 录 1章 概述 1 1.1 稠油的性质 1 1.2 国内外发展状况 2 1.3 我国稠油开采及世界开采新方法 3 第2章 稠油资源和稠油开采的几种方式及优缺点 9 2.1 稠油的定义及分类 9 2.2 世界稠油的资源量 9 2.3 稠油的开发方式及优缺点 10 第3章 蒸汽吞吐采油技术 13 3.1 蒸汽吞吐 13 3.2 蒸汽吞吐驱油机理 13 3.3 蒸汽吞吐优缺点 14 第4章 分层配汽器的设计与计算 15 4.2 上下接头的抗滑扣计算 18 4.3 中心管的壁厚计算 20 4.4 弹簧的设计要求 22 4.5 0胶圈及密封槽的选配 23 结 论 25 参考文献 26 第1章 概述 1.1 稠油的性质 稠油一般是指粘度高、密度大、胶质和沥青质含量较高的重质原油,即高粘度重质原油,一般含蜡量较少,因而原油粘度较高,流动阻力



