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学习情境二: 欧洲游子情境2.6 English for Tour Leader领队英语 Hebei Tourism Vocational College Teaching Objectives To understand what your tourists want to buy. To be an interpreter during the shopping. To be a good brainman. To know how to use useful expressions. Amber 琥珀 Gold under the sea 1. Producing Area 产地 ??? Ambers were produced in the area of seacoast of Baltic Sea(波罗的海), such as Sweden, Finland, German, Poland, Russia , Ukraine乌克兰and so on, where is productive and which colors are golden and clarity. The quality of the material is like crystal in good quality . 1. Danmark is the first country to discover amber. 2. The biggest mine of amber is in Russia. 2. How are the Ambers formed 4000 year ago, there was a large forest. In that time, the climate was mild and warm , but nobody lived there. The colophony树脂\松香 had been dripped for years. Later the virgin forest was merged into water and buried by earth deposit, so the colophony was preserved. And most of places of northern Europe were changed into sea. This is the reason why ambers are produce in Baltic Sea. 3. The Shapes of Amber There are many kinds of ambers. On the surface of ambers usually are kept down the grain of originally colophony flowage . Inside of ambers there are some air bubble, antiquity insects, plant chipping. 4. Types of Amber 1. 透明的称为琥珀,不透明的琥珀称为蜜蜡。 1)Transparence Ambers 2)Opacity Ambers are called 蜜蜡cloudy. 3)花琥珀。 蜜蜡——指出土年代久远的不透明琥珀,红橙色。 血珀——指出土年代久远的透明琥珀。颜色如同高级红葡萄酒的颜色。 骨珀——指白色的琥珀。 END Thanks for your attention!!! 5. Main Factors of Form The important factor of form is time. The process of the landification needs at least from 2,000,000 to 10,000,000. 琥珀形成中最重要的因素是时间,石化的过程最少需要2百万到1千万年。 6. Meanings of ambers 代表意义: “金珀聚财,血珀避邪,蜜蜡是药珀”等等。 The colors of ambers are profound & elegance, simple and unsophisticated , so they are called Nobles in Low Mood. 琥珀的颜色深沉典雅、古朴含蓄,故在西方又有“低调贵族”的美誉。 7. 琥珀与保健 Ambers and Health Care 1. Soothe the nerves


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