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大蚂蚱留学社区 德克萨斯州驾照考试模拟题及相关资料 大蚂蚱留学社区 理论部分: License License Related 驾照相关内容 1. Your drivers license may be suspended for causing one serious accident 。出现严重的事故,你 的驾照会被暂停。 2. Your license may be suspended or revoked for letting someone use your license 。让别人使用 你的驾照,你的驾照将被暂停或吊销。 3. If a policeman requests you to take a test to see if you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and you refuse, your license will be suspended for 6 months. 当警察要求你参加酒精 或药物测试,你拒绝,你的驾照将被暂停 6个月。 4. When a parent signs the application of a minor for a drivers license, the parent and the teenager assume responsibility. 当父母签字同意未成年人参加驾驶考试时,家长和未成年人均承担相应责任。 5. An instruction permit is good for 1 year from the applicant’s next birthday. 家长的同意一年有效,截止于申请人的下一个生日。(申请人为未成年人) 6. A provisional license is issued to a person under 18 years of age 18岁以下的申请人只能申请 临时驾照。 7. The minimum age to obtain a drivers license is 16 years old 申请驾照的最低年龄为 16岁。 Parking Rules 泊车 1. A vehicle should never park within 15 ft of a fire hydrant (ca. 4 m) 在消防龙头 15英尺内不能 泊车。(1英尺 =0.3048米 15英尺大约 4.6米) 2. Do not park within 30 feet of a traffic light or stop sign交通信号灯、停止信号( stop sign )30 英尺内不能泊车。(30英尺大约 9米) 3. Parallel parking is a test of maneuverability (6” to 18” from the curb) 平行停车考察的是对车 的操控能力。(距离路缘石 6-18英寸 1英寸( in )=2.54厘米( cm )因此 15cm-45cm ) 4. When parking near a corner, you may park your car no closer than 20 feet from the crosswalk 在路口停车,泊车应距离人行横道至少 20英尺。(20英尺大约 6米) 5. When parking on a hill headed down, it is best to turn your front wheels to the curb 在山坡下坡路泊车,最好将前轮转向路沿石。 Traffic Lights, Sign Lights 交通信号 1. If blinded by an approaching car at night, it is best to slow and look at the white line by the edge of the road 夜间行车时当对面行进车辆大灯耀眼时,最好减速慢行并将目光转向路缘的白线。 2. A driver waiting to make a left turn at a solid green light should yield to all coming vehicles 绿灯前准备左转的车辆让其他车辆先行。 3. A flashing yellow l



