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高二英语词汇复现系列练习二 (Units 4-5 of Book1) I.根据所给首字母或括号中的汉语意思填写句子空格中所缺的单词。 1.With great effort , he ___________(起身) to his feet. 2. His failure was a great _________(震惊) to us. 3. In the storm I looked for the ______(避雨) of a tree. An earthquake left the whole city in _________(废墟). The Trade Union was __________(组织) five years ago. 6. The new theory became widely ___________ (被接受) 7. Will you go in for _______(法律) or medicine ? 8. I gazed at the _______ (宁静)picture of the sea. Someone set all the _______(犯人) free by cutting through the bars. The __________(青年们) of the country are ready to fight. He was h_____ for his life-long work as a teacher. He felt as if the whole earth was s________ .He realized that it was an earthquake. Cao and her two children were among the first people on the ship who were r________ by lifeboats. A number of officials from the central and regional governments have flown to the d______ area to direct the rescue work. She was seriously i_______ in a road accident. England f__________ with France again Germany in the war of 1914-1918. In the sight of God the rich are e________ with the poor. They produce goods in various q_______ There were long p_______ when we had no news of him. The parents seem to be w__________ about their son’s safety. II. 单词.词组.句型辨析 damage/destroy How did you _______ your car? Why haven’t you had it repaired? The town was ______ in a big fire and a lot of people had no house to live in . a number of / the number of There were ______ people out this afternoon. ______ trees planted is never under 200 in our village ever6 year. Do you write down ____ my telephone? get ready /prepare/ prepare for The doctor told the nurses to ____ the operation at once. Mother is busy ______ us lunch in the kitchen. Please _____ by seven tomorrow morning . Will you help me ____ the party? III.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. After the earthquake people _____________ the dead. (bury) 2. Some people began to dig out those who ___________ in the


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