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电厂污水处理系统电气控制 摘要:本论文完成的毕业设计课题是“电厂污水处理系统电气控制”,是根据电厂污水处理要求,以变频器和软起动器结合PLC为核心设计的系统电气控制。系统主要控制的是电厂污水池的液位平衡,以“一拖三”的设计思想,实现液位的恒压控制,即:用一台变频器拖动三台水泵电机,应用其内置的PID功能,控制电机的输出频率,结合PLC的使用,自动切换电机的变频与工频运行,使液位保持平衡;应用软启动器的设计,也是以一台软启动器拖动三台水泵电机,利用其晶闸管控制输出电压的功能,实现电机的软启、软停,用手动操作系统运行。 该电气控制系统具有可靠性高、干扰能力强和使用灵活等特点。本论文除了阐述了系统的设计思想和各元件的工作原理外,并对变频器和软启动器等元件在系统中的应用出现的一些问题及系统的特点进行了分析,提出了本课题的选题意义和创新点。 关键词:变频器 软起动器 PLC 电气控制 Sewage treatment plant electrical control system Abstract:The present paper completes the graduation project topic is power plant sewage treatment system electric control. The system electric control is designed taking the frequency changer and soft start union PLC as a core. What system primary control is the level balance of sewage plant pool, control of the constant pressure to achieve level by delayed three design think. Scilicet: Drag converter with a three pump motors, application of its built-in PID function, control the electrical output frequency. Automatically switch the electrical frequency and the frequency of operation with the use of PLC, to maintain a balance Level. Application of soft-start the design is also a soft start to drag the three-pump motor, achieved the motor Cos soft and soft stop use of its SCR control of output voltage, operating the system with manual operation. This design electric control system has the redundant reliability, strong ability to interfere, combines and so on many characteristics. The present paper mainly elaborated systems design concept and various parts principle of work. And analyzed about the various parts some questions which appears in system application and systems characteristic. Proposed this topic selected topic significance and innovation spot. Keyword:Frequency changer; Soft start; PLC; Electric control 正文: 1.本课题的来源及研究意义 1.1课题来源 本课题是根据电厂的污水处理实际状况而设计,该系统可广泛应用于工厂及其它装置的恒压供水,确保设备运行稳定。 1.2.课题意义 变频调速系统的实现,从根本上解决了水泵大启动力矩而要配用大功率电机的课题,节能效果非常明显;能够解决水泵低负荷运行引起的水泵振动问题,使水泵运行更加稳定;而且系统的设计可适合各种循环水泵,能耗降低大,提高了水泵的使用寿命,提高了设备运行时间,延长了设备检修周期。 而


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