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目 录 摘 要 1 关键词 1 Abstract 1 Key words 1 1 绪 论 2 1.1 概述 2 1.1.1设计目的 2 1.1.2设计思想 2 1.1.3设计功能 2 1.3电子密码锁的发展趋势 3 2 电子密码锁的两种设计方案简介 3 2.1由数字电路及芯片构建 3 2.2采用以单片机为核心的控制方案 3 3 主要元器件介绍 4 3.1 主控芯片AT89S51 4 3.1.1 AT89S51性能简介 4 3.1.2 AT89S51引脚功能说明 5 3.1.3 AT89S51芯片内部结构 6 3.2 共阳七段数码管LED 8 3.3 晶体振荡器 10 4系统硬件设计及其原理 10 4.1 单片机串行通信原理 10 4.2 遥控发射电路设计及红外遥控原理 12 4.3 本机键开锁设计及工作原理 13 4.4 遥控开锁的工作原理 15 4.5 按键的设计原理 15 5 系统软件设计 15 5.1 软件设计概述 15 5.2 程序流程图 15 6 结论 17 参考文献 17 附录: 18 附录1 电路原理图 18 附录2 源程序代码 19 基于单片机的红外遥控电子密码锁设计 摘 要:随着电子产品向智能化和微型化的不断发展,单片机已成为电子产品研制和开发中首选的控制器。随着人们生活水平的提高,如何实现家庭防盗这一问题也变的尤其的突出,传统的机械锁由于其构造的简单,The Design of Electronic Cipher Lock by Infrared Remote Control Based on SCM Abstract:As electronic products are developing towards intelligence and minimization, single—chip computers (SCM ) have become the first choice for controllers in the development of electronic products. With the improvement of peoples living standards, it has become particularly prominent about how to achieve Anti-theft family. The traditional mechanical lock has such shortcoming as simple structure , Low security, it cant meet peoples demands. Microcontroller Theory and Applications is a very practical course; its curriculum is designed to make comprehensive use of what they have learned, have complete control of single-chip micro-computer and its interface works, programming and use; in the design, propose and demonstrate design, to software and hardware debugging, finally get the correct results, you can deepen and consolidate a better grasp of the theoretical knowledge to further establish the concept of computer application system body, a preliminary master microcomputer hardware and software development methods for the future actual MCU hardware and software application development has laid a good foundation.For practicality, this paper designs a new electronic cipher lock, which has the function of alarm and whose cipher can be controled by infrared remote. This cipher lock uses AT89S51 SCM as ma



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